Best cities in the game

Zul’Aman, we see only parts of it but it is amazing.

Suramar, but only by a hair. I also like Silvermoon and Shattarah. They all start with S, which is a lovely coincidence.

Gnomerg- … wait.



Well, I’m a Raiders fan so Booty Bay! Whats not to like, its neutral (for the most part), has a bank, auction houses, fishing tourny (love fishing irl + game), parrots cause of course and so much more.

Ironforge by miles!! And I only play horde lmao

Boralus is one of the few cities that feels like a city to me. Stormwind as well, but I don’t get the same sense of immersion there.

I remember, however, when I first started, so long ago, and being blown away by Ironforge.

But Boralus feels alive in a way most other cities don’t.

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Legion Dalaran Is my favorite =)

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Miriel in Wrath when Orgrimmar was older. It was difficult to get used to the new look, old Org was so spacious.

I remember standing on the Bank’s roof selling Enchants to Raiders with my Main.
(You needed to have a good reputation; people had to hand over their expensive Mats in those days, so being able to sell enchants was an honour earned.)

Ah yes, back when everyone knew everyone and a bad reputation followed you like a smelly fart.

Ninja’d that item? Your name was blacklisted on that server. Did a great job tanking/Healing? Your services were highly sought.

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Ironforge for sure.

Thunderbluff and Thunder Totem.

Strange one probably, especially since I play horde 80+% of the time but Allerian stronghold in Terrokar. Just something I’ve always liked about it. The layout, the little stream next to it.

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Loved questing through Suramar, especially with my DH and parkouring over the roof tops before I had flight.

Loved the size and look of Gilneas, really wish that we could go back there. Open it up for the worgen and maybe even night elves.

Most of my hearthstones are set for either Boralus, Stormwind or Orgrimmar.

I think most cities need a makeover, top to bottom, better graphics, more useful rooms, maybe for class trainers or races, whatever. I also think main cities should have more to do, fun rooms for killing time like dance rooms, game rooms etc, I don’t know, just something more than going afk outside of an auction house or next to a mailbox. Just thoughts…

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Alliance - Boralus

Just amazing how much detail they crammed in every nook and cranny. Probably the first city in WoW that actually feels like a city. Dazar’alor does a good job at this too. At least in the bazaar area

Horde - Thunder Bluff

Just something to peaceful about TB. That’s usually where I park my character while I am waiting for a group or searching the AH

Don’t you have to go there to train certain weapon skills? Plus some quests for Wailing Caverns?

Best city is Zin’Azshari.

We only saw it truly in the cinematic though which is a shame.

Classic org was great. It always felt like an actual city to me unlike the current one that feels like a mini golf course with an auction house.

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It will always be Stormwind and Ironforge.

Halfhill Pandaria

My garrison. Does that count?

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