Best Blacklisting Addon

What is everyone using to Blacklist players? Had a GDKP pot get stolen and need to notate to not play with this player. It would also help for me to communicate this unacceptable play to other players interested in GDKPs.

I’ve logged off for the day and expect many other affected by this do the same. If there was a good blacklisting addon or if Blizzard would do something about this, it might build more confidence in investing time into the game.

The best one is the one your realm uses go ask on there discord and report it to there community court.

Any blacklist addon that is shared but dosent have a realm discord behind it is trash. As not only no way to contest it but also not likly to be enough players using to get a worthwhile list.

As for personal any ignore list extending addon there is tons and non are really better than others most will also share is to all toons on an acount.

Side note this is the same location you should be going to find a gdkp if not on a mega realm as norm those have a 2nd discord just for gdkp hosts.

Those that host on the realm discords norm want to keep their rep as no single pot is worth giving up their 15-20 percent cut weekly. Makes no sense to take one pot when would have made that much and likly more just by hosting another 5 over the next month and further as the reputable hosts are not looking for one offs. Stolen gdkp pots from discord run groups, assuming server discords are rare outside of new hosts that you avoid. You really are asking to have a pot stolen if you’ll are going to trade gdkps. A banlist won’t help you as that player will be doing it a few times paying for a name change than doing to more no longer worried about a banlist. Only good habit in finding groups help prevent this issue.

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So Blizzard is okay with a community exclusion of these players? Just seems like they usually don’t like the vigilante type of approach but that may be the only way.

Just notate it or put them on ignore.
Then if you end up in another GDKP you can let the RL know of this persons past. Though I would imagine the leader of the GDKP (assuming they weren’t the culprit) has already noted the player for future runs.

If it was the RL who stole it, sadly reporting will do nothing, best to just avoid and let those you play with know this person is untrustworthy.

I would say this is the best you can get generally, outside of using a server/realm one.

Way easier to handle ignore, will also filter terms out like GDKPs/boost if you aren’t interested in them.

The whole concept of closed off server community is about your reputation being relevant. The good and the bad.

I take names down on my notepad that I use for all my lists.

Carrionosa, is that you?

I have nothing to do with this thread, but thanks for the shout out.

I agree, ban GDKPs so this doesn’t happen

wdym vigilante approach? Blizzard either can’t or won’t maintain a police force of its own, and expect the players to be the police. Except this police force has no badges, no salaries, no benefits, no weapons, no handcuffs, no intel, not even a panic whistle, nothing. The reporting infrastructure is garbage. You could see dozens of fishbots in a zone, or farmbots running a dungeon 24/7, but you can’t even find them or target them to report. It’s pretty disgusting. It might actually be beneficial if more and more people would cheat until it hits a critical mass, burn it all down, take it off the market, maybe force them to figure out how to do it right.

X for doubt

Keep dreaming.

In case you missed it, OP, there’s a rather busy thread all about a blacklisting addon.

Blacklist addon needs to be removed from game - WoW Classic / Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

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