I’m saying that warriors and other melee dps used to have to strategize how to get to casters and actually show skill to beat them because their mobility was limited, as it should be.
Now, we have DHs flying across the map, warriors with 10 charges and jumps, every melee class having stuns, etc. Brainless, mongo, game play. Boring.
And for the record, no class is “hard”.
Fire mage should beat an arms warrior 1v1 (given equal skill). Fury warriors could be a problem. They have two charges and two leaps potentially. But the leaps have to be back to back.
So, if a fury warrior leaps at you don’t use a gap creator immediately. Wait a bit and they will only have that one leap (as opposed to the three on demand leaps they had in Legion).
Fire mage is much stronger now than it was in WoD or Legion while warrior is much weaker now than they were in WoD or Legion (for 1v1s).
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Well that’s what hunter and warr get for ignoring the mage. That gpyro did so much dmg and should not have been able to be cast. Quoted wrong person, oops
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I will take CB over Gpyro any day. I watch that cast time and wonder how anyone gets a pyro off… oh, that’s right, prob because people tunnel vision and 1v1 in a corner
Kind of hard to stop gpyros or cbs when they are casting on you from 40 yards away and you are fighting someone else and have a melee-range interrupt.
I play both ranged and melee. There isn’t a lot of difference between a ranged getting “trained” by three melee or a melee getting “trained” by three ranged except that nobody calls the second situation as someone getting “trained” for some reason.
Agreed. This is why teamwork is so important in BGs. People call the melee train bad, but imagine the caster train if they weren’t all grouped up. I try to not stay with my caster teammates for this reason, melee can’t be on all of us at once.
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Bingo. It’s very hard to deal with ranged classes that are focusing you when they are spaced out. It’s actually easier to deal with three melee on you if you have some kind of AoE CC.
I actually killed 2 rogues and a warrior on me in seething shore last night buy popping thorns and starfall x2.
I died too but I still found it pretty funny.
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My problem with this is you can easily escape out of range as a melee now. WIth all the gap closers, hard CC, and snares melee has these days, if i dont have Ice block up im dead because i’m made of paper.
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As you should be, with all the mobility mages have. Warlocks are more tanky because we have no escapes tbh. It’s the tradeoff
Yea, maybe if i was Ice. I have 2 shimmer as mobility. DH, War, Monk, Rogue have no problems getting to me nearly instantly.
Let me say, i’m not complaining in a sense that it needs to be changed, so much as i think when people consider mages they think frost. And really this is why i i scoff at “so much mobility” when i consider the mobility of the above mentioned classes and their capabilities to catch me and stay on me.
I still think that overall melee > ranged in 1v1s with the exception of some soft-counters.
For me, a good mage is still harder to kill than a warlock though. Between the absorb barrier, the blinks and the control it can be difficult to fully connect on a mage whereas you almost have full uptime on a warlock.
BTW, it’s actually not uncommon for Magnificent to be in the top 5 for healing in a BG due to the absorbs. Sometimes even in AV or IoC. I keep details up for damage and healing.
Of course, if he is up on the charts for healing that means he is getting focused alot.
I have a lot of up time because i don’t die a lot… I’m very careful!
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You might only have that as an ability, but having instants allow you to be mobile as well. If you don’t like mages mobility, never play a destro
I can see it being hard to stay away from DH, monk and rogue (especially with cloak of shadows). Warrior gets screwed by ice nova unless they bladestorm it (which is a talent and not baseline).
Blink and dragon’s breath should counter their gap closers. Once out of gap closers a warrior is totally screwed against ranged.
In any case the fight is alot closer now than it was in WoD or Legion.
Well, warlocks are in a class of their own.
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If you mean they’re overall terrible, yeah. But they’ll be better in 8.1, hopefully Fire nerfs will be enough as well (though probably not).
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Locks actually are great if they can just sit there and cast and be left alone. Damage output wise. Fire won’t be changed, i wouldn’t count on that.
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I am definitely digging Destro now over Legion. Yea I get caught in the melee train at times and it can be frustrating. But overall, a good experience.
To be fair you can say that about any class. Destro can be scary now and they have players in the high rankings, but it’s not even close to Fire right now.
Fire just needs a big rework.
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