That’s ridiculous. Fire mages are so easy to shut down… just don’t get tunnel vision and ignore them.
That’s rich coming from a warrior. Your welcome to get your nerfs when I have the ability to disarm you. You’ll get a good idea of a casters life and regret opening your mouth.
Lol… what? Fire is ridiculously op right now. But mostly in arena. Frost is pretty strong in rbg for roots and slows, but yeah - playing a caster can be annoying af in random bgs.
Assn rogues and Fire mages are the two most braindead op classes in pvp right now.
Stop the most OP broken spec in PvP will get nerfs and fall from the Heavens.
For the record I’d be very happy with “nerfs” if it meant adjustments for fire to make it perform well in random BGs without GPyro.
As it is, I might successfully get off 30% of my GPyro cast attempts off, if that, and only 30-40% of those casts actually kill somebody. It’s a crapshoot that either works brilliantly or not at all.
Generally speaking, competent warriors eat me alive unless for some reason they’ve already burned every single cooldown and gap closer before fighting me. Fury in particular is damn near impossible to shake off. If you’re consistently dying to fire mages in random BGs you’re either doing something very wrong or you’ve got Texas sized blinders equipped and can’t see anything but the player you’re wailing on at the moment.
Greater pyro is a terrible design and should be removed from game completely. Nothing justifies having a % based dmg ability. They will never be able to balance it. It will be completely useless, or completely OP.
Instead, they should balance Fire around how different it is from Frost/Arcane: being an ultra mobile caster. Balance it around scorch, fireball/flamecannon, instant pyros.
Right now you can spam Ring/Poly and Shimmer to get off Gpyros with no stopping them. Woe betide a dps that has a melee range interrupt.
Gpyro just puts Fire over the top. All their dmg is instant which is the problem. You can 100-0 someone easily out of a poly. Damage needs a big tone down as well as traits and well Shimmer is also bad for the game.
Fire needs a rework but it so easy to insta gib someone with its gimmicks its sickening.
Here is Fire killing a pally threw wall solo out of a poly in Arena no one else dmg him. Instant 100-0 There is a space in that link just take them out says i can’t include twitch links for some reason. Then you can watch it.
https:// clips.twitch. tv/BlindingFrailSheepPeteZarollTie
You don’t need to get off Gpyro to do dmg its all instant and easy to set up lol. Gypro just means you can 1 shot someone easily. Without it you still can do 60% of someones HP.
That clip is nuts, but as others pointed out good luck pulling that off in a battleground. Arenas are the only place where you can get things to line up that nice and cleanly. In larger group settings, people see me casting greater pyro, an spriest silences me and then I get turned inside out by a warrior, rogue, and demon hunter.
Even ignoring GPyro, my combusts constantly get stolen and dispelled and meteor’s so slow that unless I blow a nova, whoever I was trying to hit has longed moved on by the time it lands.
It’s easier to pull off in a BG because you can literally just pick off people with instant burst. Not to mention you probably have other people around you making it easy to just nuke everything. It’s not hard and it’s broken.
Realistically Shimmer and Gpyro should be removed but besides that Fire needs some massive dmg nerfs to it’s instant burst. It’s just silly and ruining PvP.
You really don’t get a lot of chances to just pick off people in battlegrounds. They’re not just static dummies standing in one spot waiting for you to unload on them – they move around, pop in and out of range, pop damage mitigators, be subjects of focus healing, etc, on top of rogues jumping you in the middle of casting, getting yanked by DKs and getting punted by monk circles/explosive traps/tstorm among other things. You need some pretty ideal conditions to do what that guy in the video did unless the team you’re fighting is excessively stupid.
I’ll trade away shimmer if in exchange the number of gap closers in the game can be cut in half as well.
You have more than enough utility to easily CC several ppl to pick someone off
That clip that pally who got 100-0 had dmg mitigators up. Which is why Fire mage dmg is such a joke. It doesn’t matter if they use defensives or not its super broken. Which is a big difference between overtuned. It is disgustingly broken and needs to be gutted.
Maybe if you find some dude in the corner to 1v1… otherwise I’m having to deal with 3 other players after polying the first.
Abomb is just a hater and would rather just have this entire game be melee mongoloids zug zug ing mortal strikes at each other.
Melee is so braindead and unpeelable these days (in bgs) sometimes i can’t believe how all the whining over the years turned warriors getting kited/killed by rank 1 frostbolts into the gods they are now. I mean they even have a 4 sec ranged stun if somehow you can beat hamstring/charge/intercept/heroic leap/pummel/spell reflect.
PS DHs are even worse and twice as boring to play
Fire Mage is the most brain dead skilless spec currently in WoW of all time. You think melee is brain dead?
You got jokes.
DH is far more interesting and skillful to play than Fire Mage but anything is. Fire Mage is the bottom of the barrel and why ppl hate such a simple broken gimmick spec right now.
The massive Fire fixes are coming!
Guys, I wouldn’t take abombination to serious if I were you. This guy won’t be happy till he can melt cloth wearers on a prot warrior.
He is the kind of warrior that wants to sit in the face of 5 dps with one healer on him. I would hate percentage base spells as a prot warrior as well if I wanted to tunnel vision every game.
Also, I play a warrior as well and it’s definitely easier than fire mage. Warrior is an introductory class for a reason.
If you want to top the damage. Boomy, lock or Demon Hunter for sure.
Special mentions to warrior,shadow priest and mage
New forums. same Abomb.
Well, until they “fix” it (not happening ), i hope i get to explode you again a few times because you are out of position zug zugging a dps far from your team and heals.
This guy acts like he can’t get to anywhere with some of the best mobility in game and shimmer. You are always out of position against a Fire Mage and their broken burst is instant. Which is why they will be fixed
Warrior is harder than a lot of spec but fire is the easiest then Assassin rogues. Funny how rogue mage became the mongo brainless specs that don’t require skill.
With that said i vendored my gear as Prot is terrible because everything is tankier than it. There are no fixes for Prot this expansion and could care less now since im not playing
We are still in Beta and the broken specs will be fixed. When Beta ends and they fix the gimmick exploits i might come back.