Best and/ or funniest names you've seen in-game

You can tell by the way I use my walk im a chicken man. Bawk bok bag-owk


He’s hard to miss, especially when wearing nothing but underwear and a Santa hat, while bustin’ a move. The name, itself, isn’t particularly funny–which I didn’t clarify in my OP. What is funny about Chickenman is his antics paired with his goofy name.

Hungwaylo, a male pandaren monk i saw a few expansions ago, wearing the skimpiest leather mog males could wear at the time.


oh lord. i just saw big bertha in goldshire earlier…

Your name is indeed cool.


Breadiscorny :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

many moons will be dreaded for DARING to insult my great name!

I saw a worgen named something like Charles Barkly, I don’t remember fully but it makes me giggle thinking about it.

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There was this night elf druid always hanging around Goldshire named “Bearackobama” which I found as hilarious.

I love funny names but I rarely ever actually do pun or joke names myself. I did have a paladin named Easymode back in classic.

I healed a dungeon with a Protection Warrior named “Heprotecc”, which cracked me up.

Some of my own names:

  1. Furfoxsake (Vulpera Shaman)
  2. Britneyfears (Warlock)
  3. Axetomouth (Warrior)
  4. Katieparry (Warrior)

And a bunch of Tauren puns:

  1. Nosferatmoo
  2. Terribull
  3. Horribull
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Was in a guild with a Tauren druid named Blackudder, he was a great guy.

It’s the same for me. Of the very few chars for which I did use a pun/ joke name, all have been deleted. :woman_shrugging:

Are these two Belves, by chance?

I’m partial to this one. (I know that cow puns are a sensitive thing for many Tauren players, who aren’t amoosed–ahem!–amused by them. My own Tauren chars have regular, Tauren-sounding names; but I still snicker over some of the cow puns.)

A play on the TV show Blackadder, I’m guessing?

I have a Worgen Druid named: Amutateddog.

Nope, they’re both Undead/Forsaken.

I adore Tauren pun names (hence my list). I even have a Hunter named Murderofcows (instead of Murder of Crows).

I just remembered a few other funny names:

  1. My druid is named “Hotanist”, which cracks me up as a Resto main.
  2. A female worgen named “Jessicarabid”
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This is years and years old, but way back in the BC days, a guildmate and I were farming something for something. We were outside the Black Temple and surrounded by Orcs. Out of nowhere this Gnome mage goes blinking by screaming for help.

I was on my tank at the time so I jumped in front of the aggro the mage was trailing and managed to get the group dead. The Gnome was so thankful, and he was adorable.

His name was Alkapwn. I still remember that moment fondly.

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Baron Trump

Good use of a title, although the spelling is different, it’s bizarre to see nonetheless

I think that’s actually funnier than the original.


years ago I was ganked by a rogue named Omgbehindyou.

My little hordie warlock is called Nice, Hand of Adal.

Not amazing or anything, but i like the fact that all of my characters have decent names without needing any funny characters.