Best and/ or funniest names you've seen in-game

I’m a connoisseur of silly character names, often on the lookout for the next one that catches my eye. Here are some more lighthearted names that stick with me:

  • Dapperpelt - a male Worgen who was very charming toward my female Nelf in Dalaran

  • Chippedbeef and Hoofharted - two male Tauren seen, separately, during a long-ago expansion (Chippedbeef was found dead and upside down between two mountain peaks, which made the moment even more memorable.)

  • Hehoofharted - a male Tauren seen dancing at this past New Year’s Eve dance party

  • Tomanywonton - a male Pandaren monk

  • Sneakyfeet - a male Pandaren rogue

  • Chickenman - a scantily-clad male human, whom I saw numerous times when killing the Greench on my Horde chars last month (Why this name amuses me, I’m not entirely sure; I just roll with it.)

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Got a tauren DK named gothicbeef


those are all terrible/unfunny names


Hmm yeah idk as I’ve seen some silly ones but I forget what they were. I could of sworn I’ve seen a vulpera named Iamweasel at one point but I forget what they were or if they’re still a thing

Well, its not funny. But the person I guess thought so. There was someone on the forums here named bertha or maybe it was bigbertha forgot exactly, was just a troll anyway. But they were a kul tiran…but pretty sure they got banned or at least never saw them again but they were trolling by making fun of how “big” kul tiran were and thats why they named themselves that.

For actual good names. I saw a guild called “People in Pizza” the other day on stormrage, but might been on another server just saw a player in that guild. The guild leader was named “Pizzathehut” which was kinda clever considering the guild name and theme and all.

My names are lame since they are taken from other sources…except one.

Anbennar comes from an europa universalis 4 fantasy mod…gotta give me 1 cent of credit though :frowning: I didn’t want to be bothered to spend another 1 hour (already spent 48 minutes I timed it lol) trying to find a name for this character that I liked and could pronounce without dumb very lame symbols above the letters.

I got one named Neferatem, the much lesser known name of neferata from warhammer fantasy…she was originally nereratem before she became who she is. But almost no one knows that name or likes it as much anyway, since no one uses it.

I got a neferata, but she isn’t on stormrage so doesn’t count, especially since pretty sure that character is on a dead server so especially doesn’t count if so

my own unique name I came up with decades ago, Laenaya Auduin (but Laenaya in WoW and got her on stormrage somehow luckily), is my probably my personal favorite. I used it on EVE Online ages ago (the whole full name), and it was NEVER used before, but because my character looked really good and despite only playing a month when walking in stations came out, the name took off cause had a bunch of weirdos looking at my character lol. No reference to a"N"duin, the last name is just unfortunately extremely the same.


I used to have a Female Pandaren Monk named Softknuckles that former guild members thought was funny. I also had a Male Troll Druid at some point named Clownform but didn’t do much with him, so no feedback on his name. I dropped the roleplaying-like and funny-ish names awhile ago for ones that make it easy to tell it’s just me on an alternate character; Kiofea, Kiofeadk, Kiofeadh, and Kiofeaevo.

like most of mine but there mine.

wizdum - paladin
wizdumb - mage
heel - dk tank
lacutness - meachagnome looks like capt picard as borg.
kidneyspears - rge i seen


I think my favorite of all the ones I’ve seen was a female Gnome named Sparklepuff.


It was only funny in the context of the moment, but Sephuz.

i had a pink, spikey/shaggy haired gnome mage named Gnomosexual until it was reported for a name change… reason being- just for having the word “sexual” in it. now his name is just Gnomophobic. =/


To each their own.

Also, I wonder why anyone bothers to reply in a thread without actually contributing to the thread. :woman_shrugging:


I like Hoofarted as a Tauren Rogue. It works on three levels. Hoof is a substring of the name. Taurens are like cows so they fart. You don’t know who farted because they are rogues and therefore they are invisible.


i believe my name wins the competition as the funniest.



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Well my warrior right now which is my main is named Angerissues.

I have been known to rage quit a key or two this season.

:rofl: :man_shrugging:

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When covid was first a thing in EARLY EARLY 2020, I made a Pandaren DK named “Kungflu”.


I just remembered a female Gnome mage that I saw recently: Portstitute.

my all time favourites were salty balls and blood guard female hygiene product

I saw a dk named the N word, idk how he wasnt banned

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Yo! What about Me Over Here?!?

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