I’m almost afraid to ask where your char(s) hang out in order to have seen such names. Seems like ones you might run across doing Battlegrounds.
At some point, that person probably was, for all we know.
I’m almost afraid to ask where your char(s) hang out in order to have seen such names. Seems like ones you might run across doing Battlegrounds.
At some point, that person probably was, for all we know.
this would have been horde moonguard back in cata and mop, probably outside orgrimmar where people dueled
Chef Guldanramsay
I’ve got a warlock named Portalkombat
Just looked him up, hes still there. I saw him a couple years ago too
As narcissistic as it is, it’s my own.
Dumbledora (the explorer) - white haired female void elf warlock.
Supperman - Human male paladin in blue and red With an apron and skillet
Moob is a pretty Moobish name…if I do say so myself.
A tauren rogue named Herdnotseen was solid.
I saw a troll named Dentalplan in a guild named Lisa needs braces.
Oprahwindfury (shaman)
Fem draenei named Futanaaru. O_o
I really don’t do silly names, but once had a tauren male warrior names Dafodil. I realize it’s not as clever as Bigmack or Wopper or Quarterpounder, but it is what it is.
My name’s kinda cool.
I saw a Night Elf woman Druid named Wildthyme.
Big black Tauren on A52 named Bignickdigger
Never replied when you yelled “Yo Nick!”
Yaaaas… Years ago, I played around on the Fart Machine website. (At least, I think that’s what it was called.) It had the funniest titles for farts, including Oprah Windfree.
Oooh, double-entendre names are some of the best.
your name is not funny.
Well hey there Schweddy is here lol
That is good and is echoing in my head
Rolled a female orc rogue back in wotlk retail named, imonmyperiod.
I’ve always seen him standing on the Smokywood Pastures cart in Ironforge!
My favorite is an Undead female Arcane Mage named Scissortron.