Best allied races?

in my opinion, zandalari trolls, dark-iron dwarves, vulpera, and lightforged draenei are the best allied races we got (again, just my opinion).

that is’nt to say the others are’nt good just…they’re not as good.
kul’tirans? animations are awkward.
void elves? awful lore, and too many.
mechagnomes? preffer the northrend ones.
nightborne? not my cup of tea.
highmountain tauren… well, i just don’t play tauren.
mag’har orcs? could have been awesome, but their racials suck too much. (how is it the core-race orcs have better racials than the orcs you have to earn??)

but hey, that’s just my opinion.

The only allied race I’m actively playing right now is my Nightborne Rogue. I really like everything about her.


i’m glad your enjoying your nightborne, maybe… maybe i’ll give mine a second-shot once we get the new faces, who knows.

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Highmountain tauren were the main reason I came back to the game in legion. Just always been a huge tauren fan.

I think Vulpera and Kul tirans should just be called normal races for all the work that was clearly put into them.


Whichever playable Allied Race happens to be the most popular.
Silhouettes of the Allied Race that stands out the most are also a bonus.

Perhaps I should shut my “clever mouth” now. :smirk:

Really enjoy the Zandalari, I have 4 or 5 of them now. I’ve always been a sucker for trolls and their lore.
Have a few vulpera, mini worgen with tails, what’s not to love.
I tried highmountain tuaren, but their racials just suck.
Same for nightborn, racials seemed lacking, I also hate elves on the horde.
I have 2 Mag’har, 1 is a priest, cause I love the idea of an orc priest. The other is a hunter, because it just goes to well.

Kul’tiran… eh, I have a druid, but I don’t care for the forms, it is still sitting at level 10. Not a fan of their animations.
Mechagnome, I have a hunter, with mechanical bunnies for his pets. It makes me smile.
Void elf, I have a shadow priest, warlock, and hunter. Void Elf shadow priest just love the idea, so race changed my BC draenei.
Dark Iron, I race changed my BC draenai as well. Looks awesome in blackrock plate. Very metal.
Lightforged draenei, just suck right now. crap racials, boring looks. Not enough skin choices. They are just normal draenei with tramp stamps. I do have a paladin though.

For me Zandalari are my #1 pick. Then Vulpera. They really need to give the alliance something, I can see why everyone is moving to horde :stuck_out_tongue: If it wasn’t for my army of worgen, I’d be maining horde.

Hm? That’s an interesting opinion. But I suppose it is PvP where they mostly shine, I love the moose charge though.

i like their racials. their charge is good for getting into melee range a little easier… plus bonus fish/meat are pretty nice (so’s faster mining, but i don’t mine on my highmountain).

Sparkly space goats > rest.

I am partial to the High Mountain guys in the Horde side and it is a toss up between the Dark Iron and the Mechagnomes on the Alliance.

Zandalari look good as long as they don’t move

As soon as they move or cast, you can tell their model is from something else and it’s being forced to move like a troll

They look super awkward and stiff when they move

Kul Tiran look to bouncy when they move. Male cast animations are just… Ugh

The best looking allied races imo are the ones that are just reskins of core races. Only because their movements are smooth and fine tuned, where the new races are not

Idk if I have an absolute favorite tho :thinking: most of the races I really like are core races

Maybe void elves just because they’re basically a blood elf but on alliance :man_shrugging:

Yea I don’t PvP anymore. I made a warrior, thinking move mobility, I still got bored fast. My warrior is a vulpera now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I like Mechagnomes because their Combat Analysis racial is amazing.

I think Vulpera are awesome and really enjoy them. Zandalari lore is really neat, though not something I’d play. They do look great though!

Not a fan of the others so much, to be honest. Would like nightborne, but their models are terrible.

Dark Iron, Mag’har and Kul trian make the most sense albeit a bit boring since they’re just different factions of the races we have access to.

ZTrolls bug me a lot. I like them and have made one but they’ve been a consistent and fairly recent enemy to both factions. Yeah Dark Irons were as well but in Cata and forward they’ve been working with the Alliance more and more.

HMT, LFD and Mechagnomes are redundant and should have been the Night Warrior customization options for the races.

Night Born are fine I suppose but they feel redundant with Blood Elfs already on the horde filling the Sophisticated Elf among savages idea. I think the clash between them and the Night Elves would have been more interesting and if Nelfs hadn’t gotten mages in cata could have been that option.

Void Elves in any other expansion prior that wasn’t introducing allied races they would have been a faction we worked with and eventually bought a tabard, mount and battle pet from. Perhaps a few enchants and a recipe for Void Cookies.

And lastly Vulpera. I enjoy my vulpera very much. I like them I really do. They however are dumb. They like Void Elves just a few rat goblins and some wagons instead of tents and also should have been a faction we worked with. Their lore is going to be forgotten, ignored and hard stuck in a single zone.

I have a class for each of the allied races, I like them all in one way or another but I wish allied races were either to give the opposite faction the race model they don’t normally have OR the allied races were to be used to provide access to classes that the other original race model doesn’t have access to like Mag’har orcs and priests for example but it is what it is. Oh well.

Zandalari, Dark Iron, and Mag’har are my top 3 for sure. Wish the Mag’har racial was much better though. Like you said, it’s awful.

Lightforged (as they exist now) should have just been customization options. After their update on the PTR though they might make top 5. They’re looking pretty cool now.

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Maghar and HMT should have been alliance and KT and mechagnome should have been horde. I know it clashes with lore but who cares at this stage? its about sharing models between factions.

Dark Iron Dwarves, Zandalari Trolls, and Highmountain Trolls.

Not because they’re my favorites but because they weren’t implemented in a poor way writing wise nor were their playable models a giant disappointment (looking at you here Nightborne) nor are they lazy copypasta (all of them obviously are based on core races but unlike e.g. Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves, they differ from the respective core race whose models they got sufficiently).

Kul Tiran would be cool if they weren’t so unbelievably bland.
Mechagnomes could be really cool but they’re just… Too mecha for me.

I think both Kul Tiran and Mechagnomes might become way better with more customizations though.

Mag’har Orcs are really cool but I just can’t shake the feeling that standard Orcs should’ve looked like them.

Hate Vulpera. Sorry to all fans. I just really can’t stand them somehow (even though or because I love foxes.)

Well I‘ve unlocked every allied race. I like them all and think they’re great.
I like the Void elves :blue_heart::purple_heart:. They are my favorite.
I think it’s really subjective to say wich allied race it’s the best . But it’s better that way so everyone can play or create the character he want and enjoy the time playing with him. How great is that :heart:


Lightforged meaty draenei