Best allied races?

i like the “meaty” word in your sentence

They are all weird, don’t know what is so special.
They all end up sharing some animation or combat of another.

There is little uniqueness in ‘allied races’ in that respect.

I’m kinda averse to all the allied races to be honest.
Most of 'em could of just had additional customizations added to the core races and I wouldn’t even notice. There is just a real novelty about the idea of AR’s.

They could of done more.

The only ones I didn’t get were night borne and kultiran, but of the ones I got I eventually reverted to normal humans and blood elves, so the more things change the less it matters apparently.

This is how I feel about Mag’har Orcs and Lightforged Draenei. Not so much about the others though I can also see it with Mechagnomes and Dark Iron Dwarves in a way (but that might change when they get more customization options).

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How are we defining “best”? For me it’s a toss up between VE and LFD… both look AND sound unique compared to their parent race and they have amazing armor designs. Coin flip wise I give it to the VE, they can at least look good in other armor sets, but that flaw isn’t specific to LFD males, all male Draenei look like wearing armor might actually be a painful process.

Can’t say I agree there. They come from somewhere else, and have different racial abilities. Why would you want blizz to put in less work than they did?

Yeah I’d be down with this. Would have been fun to be a Tauren on alliance.

More than fine, not like it matters anyways since they are an allied race. This is all just for funzies.

I mean, kinda? They’re in different zones sure but at the start of the race they’re from the same spot. Argus and Azeroth.

HMT tauren and tauren are both about the earth mother and nature. Cenarius just blessed these taurens. LFD draenei are about killing demons and doing the light, much like the regular draenei but with tattoos and Mechagnomes are super into tech and improving life with it but unlike regular gnomes take it further and got into body modifications.

of course a simplification but just how I see it really. They’re incredibly boring as an allied race and just less than what I think blizzard could have done with those spots.

I don’t. I wanted more/better from allied races. Vulpera in a way was what I expected from allied races. The same model but tweaked into something else and a better story than the vulpera.

Now if they were on the opposite faction it would be a different matter entirely.

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Unique and cute!


Was the answer to faction bias. The Horde racials are better for most situations which is why the Allied ones suck so much. It’s better this way as well, we don’t need more OP racials which ruin another faction.

Fel orcs.

Gata have the Fel orcs.


Is this real life?

Per the title, it says best allied races, but only one race got added. So the winner is Vulpera.

The rest are just glorified customization options that could have been achieved via the character creation screen, the barber chair and in the case of Kul Tiran, a slider.

I love the nightborne, would really like to see an alternative withered model.

Fox all the way!!

I so need to lev my fox hunter up. Shes around lev 30. But caz shes the same class as my main but a differnt spek I always feel like I’m doing the same stuff I already did

I got all my mains tramsmogs to wear tho (whrn I got to the correct lev), so that’s a plus

void elves can be blood elves too. they can choose two different racial identities, hard to top that

Vulpera are basically a default race for how little they resemble goblins, I’d say they’re an outlier. Highmountain were what was typically expected-subraces.

Though it’s still surprising we didn’t see taunka.

Thank god they aren’t imo.

Nightborn and Highmountain Tauren are the only two that make any sense. All the others, most especially VE’s need to be deleted.