Since the Alliance don’t have any Orcs who are the supreme Warrior race, or the Tauren who’s physical size and strength is nearly unmatched I’m wondering, who among the races of the Alliance boast the greatest Warriors, the best Warmasters, the hardiest fighters?
Void elf, void elf is best Alliance everything
Dwarves are pretty tough and have the most glorious beards. What more does a warrior need?
On a lore standpoint I’d say humans. They may not be physically imposing or strong, but honestly a race of people who’ve managed to deal with the Orcs, Scourge, Demons, Trolls, etc and not royally screw their own race or put themselves on an endangered list is, least to me, in a good spot. On top of how they are tactically when it comes to war and battle. On top of the race that has always seemed best at adapting to a situation.
On a physical and hardy side though I’d say Dwarves. I would say Dreanei, but truly it seems most of them become Paladins.
Obviously Orcs are inferior to Human Warriors or they would have won.
For this one I’m split between Worgen and Kul Tiran. Any one of those two look like they are going to have the easiest time splitting you in half. Worgen because they’re massive and strong. Kul Tiran because one of their racials is literally a giant punch ability that generates wind from the sheer force.
Alliance has humans who had the best warrior ever. He was so good the horde called him Lo’gosh, the name of their own wolf god.
Night Elves are great warriors in general too.
But the absolute best as races themselves are Dwarves/Dark Irons. Those dudes are small but they are very durable.
not due to any racials or anything since emoh got changed a while back but i gotta say human. they look good in everything and even their animations is on point.
I am considering making a Kul Tiran Warrior because of that racial.
And while it’d be kind of weird wearing their heritage set with a Warrior since it’s not plate… Oh hell I dunno, Pirate Lord just kind of sounds great.
Forgot to add, Kul Tirans wield a two-hander in one hand without the Warrior’s Titan’s Grip.
Dwarves lad, we literally turn into living stone.
Maybe just make a “Best race for each class” post instead of making one for each class. Blizz might see you as spamming.
Dwarf, vanilla or Chad Iron it doesn’t matter.
That is unless it’s a character you grind a lot of rep on, in which case Human because their racial is unappreciated and awesome for it. Likewise if you are concerned with mogs, human male or female draenei are the best options. For gameplay though it’s Dwarf.
You’re probably right.
Just wanted to give a heads up
Wait, why Female Draenei?
gnome is the correct choice
dwarfs are only race in alliance i have sympathy for
they should be horde.
Humans bro.
Dwarves, they really should be the best warriors strength-wise and they make their armor the best possible.
Night Elves have better skill though.
Worgen could be gewd for fury.
I would say Kul Tiran, Worgen or Dwarf. Regular humans are kinda meh. Personally I prefer a beefy Kul Tiran female warrior over the twig that is regular female humans.
Hence why this toon is a Kul tiran. Matches my fantasy perfectly, more so than Pandaren, which this toon originally was.
That being said, it all depends on what your “fantasy” is. If you prefer a more sleathly warrior, go Night elf. If you want a massive brusier / tank, Kul tiran is the way to go.
Pandaren do that. For both male and Female as well.
Female KT’s though still use both hands when using a single 2 hander. It is one thing I missed about being a Pandaren. That and actual Flail physics.