Wait seriously? huh, well I’ll be.
I would go with Worgen, Night Elf or Dwarf.
Lorewise? Probably Dwarves or Kul Tiran.
Gameplay/Racial wise? 99% Likely Mechagnome for all 3 specs. Tanks get a heal when they drop below a certain % of health and primary stat increase, and DPS get a primary stat increase and a mirror image.
Dwarves. They were great warriors even before the paladins emerged
And they have great hammer times
Huh, you know that Helmet really works well with Worgen.
hm… decisions decisions.
Lordy, I meant to post in the Hunter race thread. xD I totally misclicked. Yeesh.
But yes, this helm does look good on Worgen. And it is hard to find helms that look good on Worgen.
end thread
there’s no contest
and yet you aren’t allowed to use said claws.
don’t rub it in okay
Two… actually, three words:
Drunk shirtless dwarf.
From a gameplay perspective I think dark irons have some awesome warrior racials.
You can use fireblood to get rid of pesky mage frost novas and such so it’s really nice in pvp.
RP/Lore wise, I’d go with Human or night elf.
my vote is for dwarf. Theyre such stout and grizzled tough guys.
… You can get rid of Frost nova with DI Dwarf racial?
According to Bloodmallet, Gnomes are #1 as Arms Warriors for Alliance, second place to Trolls. Humans are #1 over all for Fury Warriors in DPS, Gnomes second, Paku Zanda third. For Protection warriors, Void Elves made the best over all tanks, then LF Draenei in second, then Forsaken in third.
Yup. All poison, disease, magic, curse and bleed effects get removed. Frost nova is a magic effect.
Gnome, dwarf and worgen are my favorites for warriors.
I see a lot suggesting the dwarf, they are really are well put together and hard not to love.
Honestly, was never really a fan of the KT heritage armour to begin with, but mixing the Heritage coat with plate armour looks sweet AF personally. Using it with the Naz armour set you can look like a drowned pirate warrior.
Huh, I keep forgetting you can mix and match Heritage gear. If I had an ounce of creativity I’d explore that to it’s fullest.
I agree with worgen. They’re huge wolf-men with supernatural strength and speed. By virtue of them being magic, they’re probably the single strongest playable race lore-wise.