Best Alliance race for Monk?

Title is self explanatory…it would be a worgen, as majorty of my alliance characters are, but Blizz doesn’t wanna make worgen monks. :neutral_face:

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Any race you want (other than worgen) works just fine.
Panda fits best though because its kinda their class

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Trick question. The best alliance monk race is going horde.

…I seriously can’t find a race on alliance that I like as monks. Other than pandas but I personally can’t play them seriously.

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Gnome for sure.

Or I guess you could make a Void Elf Monk named SàsûkÆ


I saw that. :stuck_out_tongue:

My favourite monk races are orc and vulpera to be honest.

I actually really really like my Vulpera monk. Tiny little furry fists of fury. It’s ridiculous.

…and my healer totally complains that he can’t ever find me with all the zipping and zooming I do paired with the comically tiny size.

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Gnome. The answer is Gnome… or Panda or Dorf in a pinch.




unless you horde. The horde are panda racist

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:panda_face: or :night_with_stars: :elf:‍♀

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ymmv but I have so much fun with gnomes or dwarves but I understand that some don’t care for the pov as it is sort of low

but gnome ladies are just the cutest I can’t resist


Panda or Gnome.

edit: Maybe mechagnome if you enjoy mortal kombat’s cyber ninjas.


I too like to play as a city skyline


Lol. It’s what came up for night so I went with it. Made me laugh.


Sadly the Alliance aren’t able to experience the glory of Vulpera monks. So just go Panda.

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Mechagnome. Tiny metal fists that are already set at crotch level. They are truly something to fear.


UPDATE: I’ve made a night elf named Frumplet and a panda named Friggle. Now I must decide who…

Friggle of course

Night Elves get some awesome new character customization options in SL.

Panda master race


yeah but he didn’t name them friggle

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Yeah, that’s the only downside to going Pandaren. They don’t get crap in SL.

What they already have, though, is some unique animations for monk abilities and tons of great looking transmog armors.

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