Best Alliance race for Monk?

There’s always Panda representation in cooking. I think there’s a Panda vendor in Boralus. They just don’t get serious lore other than Aysa and Ji being planted somewhere. Which is great because we all know that getting attention from Blizz = you’re getting butchered.

Also I actually made my first Monk as a Blood Elf. But after going to the Wandering Isle for the Legion class hall, I just couldn’t resist making a Panda. It feels like you’re returning home =)

I was thinking more in terms of new customizations.

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Female Pandaren have the best melee animations bar none. :panda_face::martial_arts_uniform:

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The answer to the question “What Alliance race is best” is always “dwarf.”

Only exception is if you want to play a Druid or DH.

Dwarf, Pandaren, Human.

Didn’t change the hand to green, 0/10.

I saw a tag team of Gnome Monks in a low level battleground.

Their names were Mario and Peach. Both names used a lot of special ALT letters. I forget which realm they were from. I could look it up. I recorded it on my stream.

They were healing each other and were virtually unstoppable in Eye of the Storm.

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Go Gnome Monk :slight_smile:

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I would say tauren or hm tauren, but it is a 2 years thread

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