Best Alliance PvP server to roll classic? Stalagg update?

Most people here are advertising for their server to get more population so that they later don’t possibly become a dead server.

Based so far on what little information we have, all pvp servers are horde dominated to an extent but most not wildly. Between Thalnos/Whitemane/Herod - Whitemane is a couple percentage points ahead of Herod. Part of its server reputation is that the population will be more balanced, which may also attract more alliance to continually keep the odds even.

That said, all server populations are continuously changing.

Does anyone have any updates with the new addition of Stalagg!?? I dropped Thalnos. So now I’m on Whitemane / Herod / Stalagg! Once I find out what server has the best alliance potential I’ll make my 2nd toon I’m going for a Druid main & mage or priest alt

Stalagg discord shows almost 50/50 Alli to Horde favoring the Alliance a little

How do you know, can you show me the poll if you have it?

Kanye reference?

that’s basically 4/5. permanently. would you play arena and leave your 5th member everyday?

If I want serious PvP…I wouldnt go to the server that is over populated with friendlies…Hit the horde heavier servers, been loving this strat in retail and taking it on the classic road now…