I’m planning on rolling an alliance Druid on Stalagg / Whitemane / Herod. Depending on what happens when demographics come out. I’m already thinking their will be a huge imbalance favoring horde (like retail). cough
So I’m trying to see if anyone has any inside information for the best alliance PvP server! Btw I’m killing horde on sight*
If anyone has any info please let me know I’m trying to be ready to rock and roll on release.
roll on herod or Fairbanks. I’m also going alliance.
PVP heavy for me and R14 goals. KOS all horde I come across. You should join me my friend! even if its unbalanced, just make a premade and it should take care of Ab/WSG. AV is going be a tough one if alliance are out numbered.
Herod is 55/45 based on the information thats available, i hardly call that horde dominated.
more like, slightly tipped in hordes favor. Dominated is a stretch
Come to Thalnos! We won’t have the big streamers and our pop won’t be overly massive like Herod. The BR population will be there but NA will outnumber them easily. The BR players are already saying they plan to speak English in public chat channels and they wanna have fun playing with us! The Thalnos community is gonna be awesome from what I can tell so far.
Thalnos has a the br community, unless you speak spanish/portugese.
There is no Best, if you are this worried about pvp then go play on a PVE server. What you are looking for is a one sided server to make your life easier. Server name creation was less than 24hrs old and we are already seeing these posts (facepalm),