Best Alliance PvP server to roll classic? Stalagg update?

My rogue, this rogue has a lot of Experience her other names were Kirà-Illidan and Criticals-rivendare, Criticals-nazgrel.
I played WoW as alliance and horde on and off since 2004 but never got into the recent Xpacs after Cata. I also have “Of The Alliance” title if that helps.

I’m a multi-time rogue “duelist” as double dps(rogue/lock) and RLD on Illidan for about 8 or so seasons and hit rank 1 for a week one time(I wish I got a pic) (from BC-WotLK and been #1 in 3v3s on Illidan’s battlegroup with Saturne the druid and Afflictra the warlock (until we tanked it because we don’t know how to stop playing arenas when we’re ahead and just get gladiator lol we got duelist) player looking for a guild for wow classic for me and my brother to join for premade PvP and raiding. Rolling alliance warrior because Paladins are so brokenly good healers in pve and pvp. Decided to go alliance this time to try the game from a different perspective and warrior instead of rogue because I was always a horde rogue in the past. Can I apply to join your guild and one q will they be doing alliance raiding too ? I prefer PvP but I like both. I need to know what server to go on as alliance for an active pvp community of R1s,Glads, and duelists. My bro also didn’t make any titles hes fairly new but has a PC next to me so I’d like him to learn to play too. Planning to play either a gnome or a human warrior. Names going to be Aalunak so when they sort by ABC order I’d probably be at the top of list. Even played against Reckful once(and got pwned but still good fun)


Roll on Whitemane! Do it for the thighs!

Also based on the Whitemane subreddit and Discord polls the realm is 50/50! Gonna be fun on a bun!

I decided to roll on Faerlina after seeing this thread back when it was posted.:

But it didn’t last long. That thread is now a pinche fustercluck.

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People really need to stop using this as a scare tactic. Yes, they will be making up a small portion (small as in if the discord really was around 1000 members, and it hits a 10k queue at launch day, they will be in the minority).

lol Welcome to Thalnos? I don’t speak Portuguese so I have no idea what that says lol.


Stop giving information on our server keep that stuff hush…whitemane is a terrible server to go on :wink:


Its not a scare tactic its passing on information about the community of the server. A larger portion of the player base may not speak english and possibly have latency issues compared to other servers. Similarly, knowing which realm streamers are playing on is important to know in order to make an informed decision.

Sorry that you dont like the message.

Except if you were following what their discord has been discussing, you would understand that they’ve agreed to speak English in public channels. There is also a GM response from reddit that even points out that in public channels you have to use the language that the server is based on, thus English.

Poll on the Herod reddit has 1700+ responses and is 50/50

What does that have to do with scare tactics?

That post can never guarantee that everyone can speak english.

If i spoke a diff language than most of the player base i would go to the same server where i knew most of the people that speak the same language as me, period.

Some people may be fine with it. Some wont. I think its relevent to consider which realm to play on so i shared the info. And since op asked for opinions i shared mine.

If you think that im using “scare tactics” by sharing information in an unbiased way then feel free, your entitled to your opinion. I, however, respectfully disagree.

where is this poll everyone keeps talking about

Roll Herod, Recruit more alliance the next 2 weeks to get the ratio to 50-50! Non streamer, English, and most popular server.

Didnt expect it to jump so much from last night! ty for the update :smile:

GO FAIRBANKS PVP!!! ALLIANCE!!! LETS GO! don’t regret not going here!

my apologies :laughing:

In classic, it’s not a bad thing to be in the minority. faster BG ques, questing is the same, and you’re more to valuable to raiders if you know your stuff

Questing is the same? You been in stv when the other faction outnumbers you? No, questing is not the same when you are killed over and over by opposing faction.

Being on an imbalanced faction has no direct correlation to raiding.

And blizz confirmed xrealm bgs so that point is irrevelent.

Jumped on Whitemane discord earlier. 674 people marked alliance, 678 marked horde. Should be pretty balanced I’d say.