Best Alliance PvP server to roll classic? Stalagg update?

Lots will drop off on all servers. Herod is looking great for the long run. Just wait it out a few weeks for the initial surge to die down, and it will be perfect.


reality is the streamer server might have the best faction balance. but that is just my opinion

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There is a lot to worry about! Faction imbalances… trying to find out where all the alliance players are going! Not trying to be on 80:20 horde server

Ahh difference of opinion. I don’t believe in the drop off nonsense. Not saying no one will quit but Classic is an awesome game.

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Same name on classic buddy, Because blizzard holds my names for me :slight_smile:

We have 300 members, all Alliance, and we are rolling on Herod. We were in the Herod Discord server, and the actual numbers are pretty close. Horde is easy mode anyways, if you want a challenge come join us on the Alliance.

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I’ll be rolling Fairbanks Alliance PVP.

Dwarf Paladin named Blunderbeard.

Horde are KOS. You have been warned!


The best alliance pvp server is the server with horde streamers and their fan boys to destroy.


Disagree, Alliance is more easy mode :smiley: Raiding that is.


Your reading comprehension is terrible, go back to school.

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Whitemane is currently sitting at 2800 votes and is 45% Alliance and 55% Horde.


Fairbanks is where it’s at!


Thalnos currently has 2400 votes and is 42% Alliance vs 58% Horde.

I’m in your zones, hibernating your pets.

go whitemane!

I read this like the “climbing in your windows, snatching your people up - Hide your kids, hide your wife” song :grin:

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My rogue, this rogue has a lot of Experience her other names were Kirà-Illidan and Criticals-rivendare, Criticals-nazgrel.
I played WoW as alliance and horde on and off since 2004 but never got into the recent Xpacs after Cata. I also have “Of The Alliance” title if that helps.

I’m a multi-time rogue “duelist” as double dps(rogue/lock) and RLD on Illidan for about 8 or so seasons and hit rank 1 for a week one time(I wish I got a pic) (from BC-WotLK and been #1 in 3v3s on Illidan’s battlegroup with Saturne the druid and Afflictra the warlock (until we tanked it because we don’t know how to stop playing arenas when we’re ahead and just get gladiator lol we got duelist) player looking for a guild for wow classic for me and my brother to join for premade PvP and raiding. Rolling alliance warrior because Paladins are so brokenly good healers in pve and pvp. Decided to go alliance this time to try the game from a different perspective and warrior instead of rogue because I was always a horde rogue in the past. Can I apply to join your guild and one q will they be doing alliance raiding too ? I prefer PvP but I like both. I need to know what server to go on as alliance for an active pvp community of R1s,Glads, and duelists. My bro also didn’t make any titles hes fairly new but has a PC next to me so I’d like him to learn to play too. Planning to play either a gnome or a human warrior. Names going to be Aalunak so when they sort by ABC order I’d probably be at the top of list. Even played against Reckful once(and got pwned but still good fun)


Roll on Whitemane! Do it for the thighs!

Also based on the Whitemane subreddit and Discord polls the realm is 50/50! Gonna be fun on a bun!

I decided to roll on Faerlina after seeing this thread back when it was posted.:

But it didn’t last long. That thread is now a pinche fustercluck.

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