Best Alien movie in the trilogy?

What is your favourite movie in the Alien Trilogy?

Mine is the Original one. That Chest burster scene is just too good.

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I like them all. But the second one is my favorite.

It made the Aliens scary despite having competent soldiers.

Alien 3.

In that order.
And don’t mention Resurrection.

2 is best.

#3 and 4 don’t exist. Horrible movies.

The first one is my favorite too. To me, it’s just a better movie. I understand why people like the second one better but for me the first half of the movie is just bad. I mean, really bad.

The trial for someone that lost cargo 57 years ago, the terrible and cheesy one-liners from the marines (not Bill Paxton), the cliche jerk officer, cliche business man and military military man. Then there’s that scene where Ripley looks right into the camera and says “where do you want it?” was truly cringy. I don’t think the movie got good until they landed back on LV-426. The first movie was good from start to finish.

Bit of trivia about that: Scott didn’t tell anyone that was going to happen so they would be genuinely surprised and scared for that scene.

The third movie is so frustrating to me because I see what it could have been. If the director, producers or both wouldn’t have insisted on bringing Ripley back and killing Hicks and Newt, that movie would have been really good.

A bunch of prisoners on a planet that nobody cares about trying to survive a xenomorph invasion? YES PLEASE

Honestly anything that isn’t the 3rd movie. That movie just doesn’t exist for me.

Aliens may be my favorite but I also like the 4th one.

The original has so many good bits though.

There were four films in the original run (the ones with Sigourney Weaver), not three. They made the fourth because too many people weren’t happy with how three went, too dark and depressing. One and two were the best, though the first one was one of the few movies I ever walked out of.

Kevin Smith recently tweeted
Alien is a horror film
Aliens is an action film
Alien 3 is an art film
Alien Resurrection is the Yoga Hosers of the franchise

Fwiw there were five more Alien movies including Prometheus and the two Alien v Predators. There’s a new one in the works now too.

If you liked the original Alien most and somehow missed John Carpenter’s The Thing, I recommend grabbing it asap and popping some corn.

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2nd no contest, anyone else saying otherwise goes in The Chokey.

I’ve seen The Thing as well.
I just went off the ones I could remember at the time. I completely forgot about Ressurection.

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The creature in The Thing is one of the most horrifying creatures in any horror movie because of it’s ability to take over any other person or animal just by the smallest of cells infecting them and then hiding as that person and being able to mimic it so well that even the closest people can’t tell.


Alien would be my pick. Unpopular opinion, I don’t think the 2nd one is good.

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easily my favorite film (franchise) Alien is the best overall. The 3 others (yes the only others) are good as well. After the first 4, they became awful.

I don’t know man, Predator (original) was a campy action packed fun fest hahha

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I agree scary indeed. The Thing is based on H.P. Lovecraft’s “At the Mountains of Madness” which is one of my favorite Lovecraft stories.

As to the thread’s question, the first Alien was the best.


You mean the original black and white movie? It was based on a book called “Who Goes There?”

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I was referring to the John Carpenter’s movie The Thing, but upon doing a bit of research, found he styled the movie after the book Who Goes There?. Seems at that time, there were a lot of stories about Antarctica so a lot of authors wrote stories about that unknown area. Lovecraft wrote At the Mountains of Madness in 1931. Who Goes there? was written in 1937, but Who Goes There? more closely resembles the story of The Thing.

“The John Carpenter 1982 adaptation sticks more closely to Campbell’s original story “Who Goes There?”. Carpenter remade the film due to The Thing from Another World being one of his favorite films”"


He even referenced Thing From Another World in his movie The Fog. Which came out before The Thing.

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Can I be so bold as to choose Alien and Aliens as my favorites? I think each one is pretty much a perfect film in their own right.

Now as for the werst I’d say Alien 3. So boring. I’d put Alien 4 ahead only because it’s much more exciting.

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