Best 1v1 class/spec that's not a rogue

Resto druid with thorns, feral affinity, and master shapeshifter is busted 1v1.

It’s not particularly inspiring, fast, or pretty… and people will probably hate you for it, but Guardian Druid can wear down most any class 1v1 besides a healer (my opinion) .

Honestly the only issue is the more mobile classes like DH running away to avoid the slow death or long fight. Those that cant flee end up slowly bleeding out. Even in the middle of an outpost of guards, just run right in and let your sustained healing and armor keep you up while you slowly knock them down.


Guardian is literally the reason I run around with Tigereye brew as a talent all the time in wpvp. Immovable walls when I don’t have it, tissue paper when I do.

lol not even. A video is coming in a few days, I didn’t cancel anything.

When I get jumped by a raid group though, screw all that. All rules are out the window whenever you wanna bring a raid for one person. Can 1v1 me any time, I’ll win in Shadow or Discipline.

asterisks leading to small print should be here.

Its a feral druid or a hunter or a dh. Feral is the best of those 3.

Arms warrior.

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I would say this is my list of wpvp and 1v1 specs as someone who used to have a passion for 1v1s in wpvp.

Feral Druids


Ret Paladins

Demon hunters

Fury Warriors

Here is a list of things that make a spec good in 1v1

Good utility: defensives, CC, self healing, mobility, stealth

High explosive damage

Big DOTs

I was gonna write something longer but I feel like this hits the marks if you want me to go further into detail feel free to dm me or reply and I can cover some of the topics in detail.

Well it was a joke because the first time I saw you in wpvp you brought a raid then you all used the cancel quest thing when some of you died on the roof of darkshire inn.

Making it sound as if we had a 40 man group or something. When I saw you we had 10 people and 30 people were brought to kill us lol.

All rules are thrown out when you need triple the numbers to kill a group of 10.

Only 3 people use it, the others made a portal inside the Inn to Northrend Dalaran with Jainas Locket and escaped.

Spy was showing more than 10 of you. Maybe you had some groupies following? The people you fought were just loitering around darkshire and there wasn’t 30. Unless You’re counting lowbies. You guys were even there long enough for someone to flight path in from stormwind.

That’s suspect when you got ret and fury, but not monk whose been arguably king 1v1 for majority of it’s life.

There’s a group of RPing Horde who are really good friends with the Alliance there in Darkshire and chill on the roof and don’t attack them or the lowbies, and they don’t help us either.

It’s funny, when you had attacked you actually killed a majority of those RPers on the roof while most of us were inside the inn. We don’t fight on top because there’s just way too many.

And I use WeizPvP, I was certain the 30+ Alliance weren’t lowbies. I recognized alot of those names too.

I was partially afk on the roof falling asleep irl. Last thing I remember reading was some night elf going on a social justice rant about a demon hunter that made me question my faction choice again. I didnt realize there was horde rping up there. Kind of funny that I may have killed them.

I got excited when I saw Megatree. Guy has the best druid name.

Okay that I can admit, he’s one of our guys lol. His name is awesome

Sounds like the top picks then are druid (of all specs), Demon Hunter, and Windwalker Monk.

“Run over” is most definitely not accurate. I can take on up to 3 melee as disc and still win, up to two melee as shadow and win. I spec for survival and do quite well at it - I’m not going to kill someone with big numbers and insta gib hits, but I WILL wear them down (faster as shadow) and in the end persevere. Your experiences may vary

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If this isn’t a direct invitation for a 1v1 idk what is.


I guess a lot of the stuff here when someone says something is circumstantial and will highly depend on whom they are actually fighting and their gear and if they are actually prepared for these types of fights.

Basically anything but a Warrior.

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