Besides WoW, I can't seem to enjoy other games that much anymore

I have taken a big break from WoW at the start of the year, went to try other games that I own. The problem that I have is that I can’t seem to enjoy other games anymore either. Why is that so? I tried to play SC2 but could only do the interactive bar thing (for those who don’t know, it is a space bar in which you could play on the news or use the jukebox) and then I try other blizzard games like D3, but I only like talk to the NPC’s and walk around for 5 mins without killing anything.
I decided to try non-blizzard games like Zoo Tycoon (both games), the Sims (2 and 3), Spore (yes it still has active servers) and other simulation games, but it doesn’t have the magic as when I was a kid. Am I getting old that video games no longer entertain me? If any of you guys have the same thing, what are your theories of video game apathy?


Sounds like you’re just not into video games anymore. Time for a new hobby. Maybe try cross-fit?


I have this too. I can play other games for 30 minute spans, then I just feel like I’d rather be playing WoW.

I took a small hiatus and replayed the campaign for Dead Space, about 6 hours, which was really fun. But that’s an anomaly for me.


That crazy cause it’s the opposite for me. I like playing other mmos rn (ffxiv and gw2) but when I came back to try to gear my Druid a bit for the werebear I felt discouraged and burnt out in the first 30 mins.

Getting reminded that flight paths take like 5 mins between zones was a real kicker.

Working in the maw was just annoying. And. Ring reminded that you can run all the dungeons u want but loot drops are insanely low chances is also disheartening.

I’ll just do the very very very basics and timealking ones a week until I can actually get into mythic plus groups. Which I thought wasn’t hard ones. Balance Druid.


I have that problem too. My apathy is mostly tied to a lack of time and too much to choose from.

I grew up with five games on my NES. Then I bought a few more on my Genesis. Then I got into the PC market with Doom2 and Diablo 2, BF1942 and TES games.

Steam games suddenly fill my bar. Thousands of choices. I bounced back and forth trying a few, but not really putting in the effort.

I got into WoW in 2017 and put a lot of effort into my warrior. That first adventure with him up to Legion content was amazing. Now that I’ve done the classic thing and done the leveling thing with over 50 toons to max or close to it…I just don’t feel like it often.

A lot of it also has to do with losing my dedicated friends in my old clan. They all wanted to play different games and couldn’t agree on one that brought us together.

So, I’ve been drifting through games in full tourist mode. Even WoW. I play everything even Starcraft in a LFG (well, humans vs. AI for me) or single player mode.

Not sure it’s burnout. Maybe


This is a huge factor for me that I didn’t mention. I work full time and I’m a full time student so I only have about 5 hours a week to game. When a try a lot of new games I just don’t think they are that fun. They’re either in an embarrassingly pre-beta stage at launch, or they are too niche for me. I always know I’ll have fun playing WoW, so it’s a calculated risk reducer.


That sucks. I can see not enjoying other mmos but other games? Man, I love RE Village, Biohazard, 4 and the RE 1 and 2 remakes, Tormented Souls is awesome, and I love Valorant, OW, Quake, etc. Plus I still play old games like Kings Quest series and all of those Sierra games.

I am stoked for D2 Res coming out Thursday too as I played the beta and can’t wait. Especially since I put in so many hours in it back when it first launched.

So, I don’t know why you can’t play other games but like I said, I feel bad for you because you are missing out on tons of great games.


I just want wrath classic so i can stop playing it on pservers haha.

I took a break from WoW for about 3-4 weeks so far and I am playing my back burner games like Persona 4 Golden and Yakuza Like a Dragon and I am enjoying them. I was thinking of coming back to play a bit more of WoW too.

I do think it is best to take a break some time from WoW to try and play other games. Try to ignore the fact that WoW exist for a bit and try other games and try to not compare them with WoW and such. Just remove WoW from your mind. I think what people could be considered “addicted” to WoW try to compare other games to what WoW does or does not have and they spend all that time thinking about WoW. Their mind is telling them to go play WoW because that is what it wants to think about.

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How do you like Persona 4? I’m thinking of buying it.

Just play Halo, everyone loves halo

I’ve been replaying the series with buddies with legendary, and thinking of doing LASO


Oddly enough I’ve jumped back into Overwatch again.

I’m finding my attention span with games only last long enough to do something like a match then I need to find something else like a Youtube video or watch something on TV for a few before I jump into another match.

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Why are you exclusively playing games that were made a decade or more ago?

If played Persona 5. I do recommend it. If you have not, I still recommend it, but keep in mind though it is a JRPG game, there is a lot stuff you do outside of going into a dungeon and killing mobs. It has a lot of time management where you have to decide what you character is going to do with their time. Depending on what you do, it can benefit your character or the other characters you obtain during the story.


Wows gameplay is unique and I think it’s more complicated than other games. This is why I’m having trouble playing other games anyway.

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Turns out I have severe depression, the games no longer give me any hits of serotonin. I’ve been playing video games for 34 years. It used to bring me a lot of comfort, help pass the time, and got me through some serious things in my life. I end up quitting WoW, and playing it again, a lot. When I come back to the game I get a little enjoyment out of collecting the new things from the new zone, but that only seems to last for 1 month.

I did keep my sub active, even though I want to quit, going to try playing with someone else, see if that does anything for me. Yes, I have already tried other hobbies and stuff, nothing gives me any joy. (and no, anti depressants don’t help, I’ve tried them all, some people they just don’t work on)

I find if you play a game to long (I mean hours in the day) you will burn yourself out pretty hard too. So I limited my play time to only 1-2 hours a day. Not enough time to do everything I want, which in itself gives my brain a supply / demand sort of scenario. Finding a goal to set in game, not a major one, like get every single achievement, or collect every single mount, more along the lines of get 1 specific achievement or get 1 mount. That can help sometimes as well.

Otherwise, I just quit, till the end of the expansion, get the what ever mount before the new expansion is out, then hope the next expansion that comes out holds my attention for more than 5 minutes, unlike Shadowlands…

im sure the company psychologists are loving this, job well done.

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sometimes i think people try to hard to enjoy their hobbies, movies, games, music,etc…moderation, moderation. Also try small things within the game. Say, in WoW, Fish…not dungeon. Quest…Not pvp,etc. Movies: try different generes. Music the same. Etc.

same here, games dont hold the interest they used to, for me i think its because everything is largely un interesting or un original. also games are alot easier to play now n days than they where back when i was younger, theres hardly any challenge, just big time sinks.

Because they’re fun. I still play the old DOS games I did as a kid once in a while. When a game is fun, and well made, you don’t need it to be bleeding edge. In fact a lot of older games were better before they were updated.