Benediction overtaken by alliance - horde don't transfer here (megathread)

I was on Krom, and a member of this group initially. It got that bad. When the community gives up and leaves nobody should feel bad about “bailing”. Not saying I think benediction will get that bad soon, but in a few months it might. The exodus off krom didn’t start till we’re roughly 75/25, and that was a slow decline that started in phase 2 when Krom was 52/48 Alliance. I don’t even think benediction is 60/40 yet, so I don’t think we’re close to server being dead horde side. Also it’s a large server, it’s not like horde struggle to get people for stuff. When I left Krom we had less than 500 alliance, you couldn’t get dungeon groups anymore.

If your goal is to get people to unsub, sure it’s a solution. People transfer to large servers, regardless of balance, for a reason, it’s easier to get groups, and easier to find like minded players. I’d unsub before I went back to Krom spending all day trying to find a dungeon group.


People generalize by the rule not the exception.

It’s like 7/56 pvp severs alliance favored

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Come to Windseeker. We could certainly use more horde over here.

Layers aren’t the problem with pop balance, each capped layer has the same equal number of horde and ally.

I wouldn’t bet on Blizzard voluntarily deciding making less money.

Threads like this will ruin my home realm.

Please stop.

Giving attention to my server isn’t the answer.

Horde please come here. I love you.


It’s honestly time to end pvp servers, it’s a failed experiment. Flag for pvp,pvp servers were always a bad idea


Day 1 Orc horde guy here for Herod. We welcome any hordes from benediction to come to our populated horde server. Alliance mass transfered off of our server because the horde won the war and they couldn’t take it anymore. They turned our server into a pve realm but that’s okay because I can farm in peace in the open world without getting ganked.

They ruined not only Herod server but they were the main reason they are ruining your server with the transfers they did.

Come to Herod friends. We welcome you. Most people are friendly and very knowledgeable and helpful. No problems getting groups as it is always popping.


Make it stop. Make them stop. Please please.

The destruction of what is supposed to be what brings us together, for the pure joy, pain as it hungers in their eyes.


Benediction is nearly complete in its transition to an Alliance-run PvE server.

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This just further proves that the playerbase cannot maintain server balance—Blizzard has to step in at some point. Yeah, yeah, yeah “Player created issues”…but clearly whatever is happening isn’t working.

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I know this is untrue; many of the Horde on Grob tend to coagulate on the same layer with the Alliance spread across many layers. I specifically layer hop just to find and murder blood elves.

I’ll go where I please.

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servers like that are rare now and are going to be extinct in the near future.

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Yes Horde players! Trust the Orc Warlock called Guldan. What’s the worst that could happen?


Coward pvp dodgers. Imagine leaving the realm because of an imbalance when the horde is still winning most wpvp exchanges.



Used to be such a wonderful Horde server.
Now its dominated by Alli.

Serious question, is that fun? I’d assume being the dominant faction would get boring

It is but its fun to me. You don’t have to search that much for world pvp

Imagine acting like a tough guy behind a keyboard. Talk about cowards lol :rofl: