You do know how queues work right? If everyone ‘prepared’ the queues would be infinite. It’s not a solution, you just dont care if its not your problem.
if you arent in now, you arent doing naxx tonight
I would prefer playing on Grob during prime time but I can’t so instead of crying on the forums, I am playing on Whitemane where it is very active but no queues.
I’ll play on Grob when the queues go away.
But it is a solution. Day by day more and more people who see Grobb as just another server leave and it’s a day closer to the way things used to be.
That second free transfer wave brought in a lot of toxic, non-RP friendly people. Mostly horde, who claimed they would overrun the server and push the alliance off. So I am all for them having a bad time and learning to regret coming here.
The originals are riding this out, because they know this is nothing and it is the only RP-PvP server anyway. There is nowhere else for them to be.
Grats on paying extra money to blizzard? The scheme strikes again.
I didn’t pay anything to Blizzard. I have Alliance toons on Grob and Horde toons on Whitemane (took a FCM from Deviate Delight for the latter).
Just like when Classic originally launched, I like having a quieter back-up server for alts so I don’t have to worry about queues completely killing my ability to play somewhere.
Free xfers are gone? I was just starting to consider moving servers out of exasperation. Guess it’s a good time to quit.
typical classic player^
I don’t even know what to say. Go back to retail.
This is a real problem that has been completely ignored by blizzard. Asking players to transfer off after paying to escape their dead servers, just to turn around and make them repeat the same process is mind boggling dumb.
There’s some serious mental gymnastics the dev team is going through to not see the issue here. Wether it’s their own doing or the higher ups wanting to make bank off transfer yet again, it’s disgusting.
Hey, I saw this coming. I bailed off of Bene months ago, before Blizzard posted warnings.
If you’re gonna be dumb, you’ve gotta be tough!
Take your popcorn along with your sockpuppet back to the retail forum.
Trying to climb forum cr almost glad
It is absolutely your fault for rolling on a full server.
I am not trying to cry but just curious if Blizzard can do or plans to do anything about que times? I get home from work at 4pm est Monday-Friday and I am always hitting a 8-10k que… I am behind fellow guild members and wasn’t able to hit level 80 to partake in the first raid. I am unable to play the game with friends and it’s pretty frustrating.
The bootlicker are hilarious, must defend a multi-billion company with years on the market that can’t fix 20+ old predictable server issues
You mean “normal” for benediction, perfectly fine everywhere else
There was a ~4 minute queue on Grobbulus at ~14:30 (Pacific).
I survived, but it was most unpleasant.
9k que on Faerlina atm… last thing I want to do is transfer but I might have to. I played all of TBC without a que so not sure what the issue is.
Ok “Roger Alan Wade”
Oh? Perhaps you can share these brilliant ideas that would allow Bene to shove another 15,000 players online without causing lag/blowing up the server.