That’s exclusive to blood and night elves.
mhmm, aaaaand??
Felblood Elves exist.
Not after the sunwell got wrecked by 25 adventurers.
I thought you wanted some corrupted Blood Elves?
They could make it so these are the Blood Elves that turned back before they were totally corrupted by the void. So they share some of the physical characteristics with Void Elves.
Well yeah but we cant have them if they’re dead…
My suggestion is for a quest reward liek nelf black eyes via a quest chain in revendreth to unlock sanlyan skins.
Looks at Mag’har Orcs
Is it really jealousy when it’s something we already had? Belves had corruption well before some became Velves. Had light skin and hair.
I think it’s more about wanting to look different than cookie cutter.
Nothing stays dead in a fantasy world.
Maybe felblood elfs are the answer. Elves corrupted by Fel Magic.
Like, Demon Hunters are right there. Right there.
They’re fine. They have plenty.
I generally think more customisation the merrier but not everything is equal in terms of customisation options between the races. I’d rather the other races get more love.
You can borrow the Void Elves… whenever they actually get anything Void…
Signed for San’layn options. If they aren’t going to give us the allied race, give us its options. I’d also accept Fel Corrupted or Farstriders.
Would be a cool idea.
Blood Elves that overused the Fel, then once the Sunwell was restored cured themselves of their Fel addiction. But it left some residual effects.
More options never hurt anyone.
As for San’layn, there were only a handful to begin with and the alliance killed the remaining few in BfA. As cool as they would be, it wouldn’t make much sense.
Other races getting more love is in the plans and was announced with the hair colors for Velves.
Getting the demon hunter ish skin options for certain parts would be cool for the fel corrupted options. Turning scaled and reptilian/ demonic with the fel energy. Could also add maybe like a clawed fel twisted hand options. Cracked porcelain like face options especially around the eyes, and fel energy eye options. I’d even add in like spikes protruding all over their backs, arms, and legs, and head.
…Didn’t you already made a thread about that?
Didn’t you also already made a thread about that as well?
I am quite curious of the results of taking the terrifying appearance of the Male Belf DK and combine it with the sinister and cunning voice acting of the Velf male.
To be honest, I will not relent until taking the Strongest and Most Terrifying looking Male Blood Elf Death Knights to breed with Ren’dorei women, and create unstoppable offspring.