Belves need a corrupted model

I just found out that void elves have more natural skins than they do void. Yet, belves have no been compensated for their AR off shoot getting more of their natural appearances.

Belves need their own corrupted look in the form of a quest chain reward similar to nelf black eyes.

Whether they’re lightforged, sanlyan, or dark ranger, they need something to balance the scales.


Make it a Night Warrior questchain ez


You get a fel elf allied race and we get a unique allied race. Boom parity.

They could get the fel-corrupted skins from Sunwell.


Blood elves don’t own the copyright on natural skin colors actually


No they don’t.

Blood Elves still can’t get dark ranger, dark ranger is a class specific thing, should never be made for playables.

Sanlayn are dead and lightforged is just boring.

Void Elves should just stop being giving more natural-looking looks, and blizzard should focus more on the void aspect of that alliaed race.

What Blood Elves should get, is rune-tattooes.


There isn’t a reason to keep Blood Elves from having access to the red eyes and grey skin Dark Rangers use. Some San’layn options should really be made available to them. If it comes with a quest involving Kael’thas, well, that’s all the better. I wasn’t too crazy about Night Warrior customization being locked behind quests at first, but it did add some meaning to them.

Seeing a quest from Dark Rangers return to Quel’Thalas and dedicate themselves to fighting the Scourge in the Ghostlands would be fantastic. Make Windrunner Spire their base of operations.


Gonna get hate but here is my thought.

High elves have natural looks and are NOT playable.

Blood Elves were fel touched and should be again. They can turn green and have green hair like void elves do void.

Void elves should stay as they are now.

This way, we don’t have the “Blood Elves are skinny humans but Horde” and “Void elves are Blood Elves but Alliance and Void tinged”.

Neither side has an advantage, therefore it’s fair for BOTH factions


Green Eyes is our corrupted forum.


We’re fine. I’d just just get better beard options, thanks.

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Not all of them, no. Some remained in Dalaran and thus were not in Quel’thalas or Outland, and thus they kept the blue hue in their eyes.

No, not a corrupted form.

Blizzard needs to give High Elves to the Alliance, limit Void Elves to being ‘voidy’ and just give Sanlyan to the Horde.


Jealousy is such an ugly emotion


Yes, but if it stays this way, you give the Horde exactly what both parts of the player base want:

A natural looking, natural skin, natural hair color, supermodel skinny human looking playable race.

You can argue lore all you want to. After the last few expansions lore has no meaning and no justification for any discussion in what to give players in game. It call can be changed at the drop of a hat.

Just like saying “most void elves have learned to control the void, so therefore they no longer sho signs of being void tinged”. Just used Blizzard logic to make it so Void elves can be anything they want.

If you want to even argue more about it use option #2 “the trip to the shadowlands removed ANY visual representation of the void in all void elves”. I mean coming back from the land of the dead can change anything…

Blood Elves are not an Allied Race. What we need is Nightborne, who are the Void Elves counterpart as Allied Race, to be way better.

Though I’d not be against Blood Elves getting cool stuff, but they are not the ones we should clash directly with Void Elves. One is an AR. the other is not. And Nightborne came pretty lackluster while Blood Elves are possibly still the best race on the Horde if you want your armor look like armor and not a mess.

Blood Elves have a corrupted form.

The Void Elves.

And they are so corrupted, they are even Alliance!

Yeah, the Nightborne definitely still need some care with more styles and looks but who can say when Blizz will find the time to work on them.

So you didn’t find it enough to pollute the forums with 1 post about you being salty the high elf community finally gets something after being shafted for over a decade. You had to make another post to get compensation for losing nothing. Yet I find it hilarious because if pro high elves made more than one post you guys would be the first to jump down our throats about it. The hypocrisy is real.


if you want a corrupted blood elf play a demon hunter and use the scaled or dark red skin tones?

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Void elves annoucned, high elf community cries.

Pale skin announced, high elf community cries no blond hair.

Natural hair announced, high elf community still crying for velf paladins.


It’s more of balancing the scales than compensation. You cant have VOID elves getting uncorrupted skins while belves stay as is. Velves didn’t deserve that to begin with. They should have gotten more voidy options, not diluted crap meant to appease fedora flipping helfers.