Restitution for belves

Yet more options from belves will be available to velves, you know because making void elves more VOIDY is stupid right? But I digress.

There is only one solution to make this fair and that’s to give belves their own “corrupted” option.

Give belves sanlyan options via a quest reward in revendreth similar to black eyes for nelves.

This would give players the undead elf model they,ve wanted.

Plus it’d be neat having wearwolves in the alliance and vampires in the horde.


I vote we give them the withered model instead.


Yes, and give them a walker to travel around with.

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Not a bad suggestion.

Also more heritage stuff, heritage weapons! Give Belves more stuff to be unique.
That body jewellery they removed last minute for example.


Sure. It’d make the pill less difficult to swallow if Blizzard gave blood elves something to make them more unique and actually mean something as opposed to the horse they keep beating over the head and just grandfathering more of our options into void elves over and over.

But I doubt they’ll do it. The blood elf player base hasn’t meant much in the discussion involving customization since we were first brought up, which is evident in the amount of effort Blizzard actually put into blood elves when you compare them to something like orcs, humans and night elves, all of which made out like bandits.


Dark ranger must happen now. If blizzard are to give up on any barrier and give the dark edgy elf the option to look like the pale skin blond elf, than it is fair to finally give the pale skin blond hair the option to look like their dark edgy elf.


I’m not against it…

But Blood Elves are already the most popular race in the game…so they could give them nothing and people would keep creating new ones.

Plus, at the end of the day Blood Elves still have the superior racial ability by a huge margin. That’s your “restitution”, you will always be better in group content.


Give the ladies beards


Yeah so why not giving nothing to the horde from now on since they are the most played faction… NE was also one of the most played race and look at their new option.

And if having to much BE is really a problem, just make dark ranger as a forsaken toggle option. I mean we already have a hunch back option and now void elf have the option to play two different fantasy so why not.


I support this.


Rscial appearances is pretty much the only thing the alliance has going for it right now since no one cares about their minor racial ability advantage.

Good idea! Try to get more faction balance by giving the alliance more desirable appearances

Yeah no. except if your goal is to archive balance by making horde player unsubbing and get balance in a dead game that is awefull idea.

Belf’s have Wretched, & Nightborne have Withered, just saying.

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Unsubbing because someone else looks cooler than you…fancy.

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No more like unsubbing because you don’t get anything, which is what you asked for…

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i want a straight up alliance race cloned


Demon draenei!!! I want it now.

It is possible that the nighborne get a lot of the Night Elf appearances…it would make sense.

I would like Drow elf appearances so Ican be visually distinct.

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they dont have the model