He summed it up pretty well when he said: Blizzard’s track record using this kind of thing to stop the behavior of a few has always resulted in a diminished experience for everyone else. The dev time that went into solving a problem that doesn’t exist is time that could have been spent on literally anything else
Agree 100%, Abuse of Exploits is simply too popular now a days and to find them you need a massive groups of players so that a tiny groups do not try to monopolize them by hiding it.
This is so very true… Rewards pull and guide players, If you reward players for faster clear times then they will not wait for timers in fact they will attempt riskier play-styles… They will push and try to create a speed meta which will happen either way, because fastest method = best.
Should just make lust cooldown double each time you use it on a single floor, much like awesome azerite reforge, maybe even attach a gold price tag to it too since it is such great game design. Or design better mobs with clever mechanics instead of just button mashing your way to the top.
What Ion DOESN’T want you to know!
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If a group needs to use 5-10 min cds to clear a single pull, then want to wait for CDS to pull again, honestly that shouldn’t be punished. The amount of time and effort spent is already punishing enough, if my group of friends wanted to spend 50 minutes per floor and we got 70 floors to go through I am sorry, but, I am not going to do that grind, that sounds worse then Classic rank 14.
Terminate The Torghast Torment Timer!
What’s a succinct version of how Torghast currently operates, and how it will play with the new changes.
You go in at Floor 1 and choose an anima power. As you clear the floors, the mobs scale, and you get more anima powers. Some of the anima powers are basic (but powerful) damage increases, like +30% on Aimed Shot, or Hunter’s Mark gives +10% damage from all sources. Other powers are stupidly broken and super fun to play with, like Mages moving at 1% movespeed but Blink has no cooldown. There are basic mobs, elites, rares, and extremely weak trash. There are also traps on many (not all) floors.
If you die 6 times, a Tarragrue spawns and starts looking for you. If you can make it to the exit quickly, it despawns and you move up a floor. If it catches you first, it oneshots you.
The dungeon is broken up into “zones”, groups of 6 floors with the same tileset, but different layouts. Every zone has at least one Broker Floor, where you can buy anima powers, buff items, and items to turn enemies into anima powers, using the Phantasma currency you collect from everything in Torghast. These items all have limited stock on the vendor, but he refreshes his stock between zones. Every zone ends with a Boss Floor, where you fight a (comparatively) very powerful enemy, who drops an epic item, some essence (presumably a crafting material or currency), and an anima power.
Along the way, you collect legendary crafting materials from chests scattered around the tower.
After Floor 12, the Torments kick in. These are intended to keep you moving forward, but (per Blizzard) they are not meant to be a hard timer that blocks your progress on their own. They are…problematic on alpha right now.
TL;DR is they are either an annoyance that doesn’t materially increase difficulty (if you have a bunch of anima powers, from starting on lower floors before they kick in), or they are a run-destroying nuisance that will make you rage quit (if you start on high floors and have no powers, and get a particularly frustrating Torment). There is no in between in my experience.
I expect their thoughts are more to the stream-ahoy go-go-go smash top-end 0.1% pushers and how it would be boring to watch people waiting for CDs on pulls. They may well prioritise THAT over making it fun for the vast majority. I mean you think Blizzard don’t always have one eye looking at how ‘stream friendly’ any new content is?
Another reason why I think Mythic+ timed runs have been an utter abomination and disaster for the design mindset in this game.
Remember watching a stream rather than playing WoW magically counts as content. Unfortunately it is a money spinner because they KNOW people who get caught up in the thrill will more likely sub - of course their experience is entirely unlike what they are watching because they lack the skill or will to play the way top-end people do. Alas, so much is an ultimately hollow vicarious experience these days.
Apparently smash-smash-go-go is more fun to watch. Endless explosions on the screen is somehow more dynamic than methodical and/or DYNAMIC gameplay.
Anyway what do I know about timers, I haven’t played Torghast (and who exactly can at the moment?). The fact that I’ve played games for close to 30 years is obviously meaningless isn’t it Blizzard.
I KNOW how these kind of indirect timers can spoil the methodical approach (much like Diablo in searching every nut and cranny and doing so at one’s own pace and routes). By all means have enclosed timers - as in on specific encounters - such as a mob exploding if you don’t kill it fast enough, or the old enrage timer.
Is he actually advertising his own game in the middle of his videos on WoW content now? I was going to watch it but I just am not if he is going to do that.
eh i watch some of his stuff but i just cant help it i want to punch the guy. i dont even know why lol, i really would just hit him in the mouth if i ever seen him. possibly because of his 50 vids a day (i know exaggeration) instead of one with all the info gathered and does it just to get a bit more ad rev
then he seems to hype things up just to dog on it later, just to say “no i was wrong, this really is the most awesome thing and you should agree”
Most of the time I can watch and pick apart his arguments but if he is going to waste my time advertising his own game 1 minute in then I won’t even bother - the end result is the same.
I miss when “dungeons” were hard and took forever to do.
Torghast could have been a classic MMORPG experience mixed with dungeon crawler, but it could just turn into another burn gogogo fest. We already have M+ for that. Give us some variety.
I think people have forgot the reasons for games even existing it’s to have fun it’s not to make people feel better about themself with pretend achievements to wave around like a shiny gold metal.
Ps this is y I commented on it they should make it only give a debuff when they are outside of combat not by a counter… so long as your moving anx fighting you shouldn’t get a debuff for taking your time period
Non clickbait titles don’t attract views, he’s just plying his trade nothing wrong with that.
Unless you are playing it on alpha I wouldn’t assume that. I really don’t think you are getting the entire story about how things are right now.
have you? i have. its almost mythic+ with some hint of easy mode attached, but then just trolls you more and more. like with corruption, its just a troll mechanic and its stupid
Bellular’s whole channel runs on clickbait.
So does every other channel on YouTube so that statement is worthless lol