Bellular pretty much gets it

Well thanx for the heads up, but I will pass.
Honestly without a release date not even near (Unless it was posted somewhere and I haven’t notice) or close I rather just wait for the content to come out… its just to early to make any real Judgment (IMO).
I think I read they are still in Alfa or was it in Beta testing…? Either way to early soooo many things can change before release. (IMO) Thank you anyway.
:wave: :wink:

You made a statement that I interpreted to say you can afk safely, and I replied with that I’ve seen videos of gameplay and have seen videos of people who have played it saying you can’t.

REALLY REALLY not trying to argue with you, but the future is in the future, and those who you are quoting as talking should be taken with a grain of salt, while today in the present there is evidence that you can see with your eyes that goes against what you have said.

Preach has actually been someone that has always been pretty honest, especially about class designs.

For example in his interview a few days ago he made a joke about how nobody does PVP anyway, to a developer.
It’s an off-hand small comment but I don’t think a Blizzard suck up would even think of making a joke like that.

Bellular is 100% right on this. Don’t care about his thumbnails or any other stupid issue people bring up to deflect from the topic at hand. It’s one of the more annoying things people do on the forums.

If waiting for cooldowns is such an issue, have them reset every floor. Don’t impose another system to punish players. It’s Blizzards go-to to make sure that people are playing the game the way they want them too. And they’ve done it over and over and over. They claim they learn from their past mistakes, but at the first opportunity, it’s right back to the punative systems model. So, no…they don’t learn.


Interpreted? That’s exactly what I said.
You can AFK safely. You are incorrect to say otherwise.

But people are getting riled up knowing that a fix has been openly said.
It makes absolutely no sense.

They realized people were having too much fun so they had to nip that in the bud right away lol.

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But they weren’t.
You don’t know how the tower worked. :man_shrugging:

He does struggle with that. He did say once on a video that when he got banned his wife was upset with him because of the income risk that it implied and such.

So yeah, any YouTube content provider does have conversations with companies behind the scenes that we are not privy to, and has to walk a fine line, or just go full 21st century “payola” and shill for a company. Its a fight for their integrity vs profits.

But Bellular’s latest video can’t make Blizzard happy, but Bell still put it out, so that says something about his integrity (or risk management calculations).

And I’m disagreeing with your assumption that you can AFK safely, and giving my reasons why.

And people don’t trust Blizzard to fix it, is why people are riled up. Once bitten, twice shy. The onus is on Blizzard at this point to win back the trust of their customers.

Not sure why we’re going in circles here. Its obvious we don’t agree, lets move on.

Your reason is that you don’t want to accept an official answer from a developer.
That’s not a reasonable or valid reason.

If you order something of Amazon and it’s late, you contact them and they say they’ll ship another one out ASAP and refund you the delivery fee in 2-3 business days would you continue to rant about how the problem hasn’t been solved today or would you say thanks, appreciate it, problem solved because the official person has said they’re going to do something about it.

Sometimes you just see something so infuriatingly silly you just have to keep responding to it.

Past history has a weight to it, and people judge you by it.

One man’s “silly” is another’s “clear mind”. Don’t judge so harshly just because you disgree with someone, not good for our society.

Ignoring information because it goes against your agenda of having a problem is far worse.

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I’m not ignoring it, I’m discounting it, giving it less of a priority, as to what I’ve already seen with my own eyes on video.

Time will tell, the devs can “change their ways” and do what they say they are going to do, but I’m not going to hold my breath, they’ve burnt bridges enough times already as is, the onus is on them to regain trust.

Reviews from alpha players were largely positive until Torments were added. Do they not know how the tower works either?

i’ve said it before in these threads and i’ll say it again, its a rogue-lite type experience. it is not intended for you to be able to progress indefinitely (and there is a cap on how many floors you can get done in a single run anyways, 18 iirc)
if the torments are preventing you from finishing all 18 floors on that run, then that simply means that you are either a) not geared enough for those floors. b) not skilled enough for those floors. c) didn’t get the right anima powers for those floors (which is something that happens in EVERY rogue-lite, the randomness is part of the experience)

next time, either come in with better gear, or roll the dice and hope for better powers, or start at a lower floor where you CAN complete all 18. thats how progression works, you are never guaranteed to blast through every type of content on your first very first try.

Same thing.

You know what other alpha had incredible reviews? WoD.
You know why? Because WoD’s issues weren’t apparent until a few weeks into end game.

People were having a blast on the alpha, but lots of people were already commenting on how the tower gets way too easy after the first few floors.
The first few floors are the fun part.

The difficulty was turned down for testing.

No, its not. I have it as a data point in my mind, I’m not ignoring it. But I’m not going to automatically believe in it either, Blizzard broke that feature a while ago.

It killed it for me. Won’t step a foot into timed content. The one thing I was looking so forward to is now dead.

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Plus I don’t want to have to consult guides to determine which powers I need to grab on the fly. I want to weigh the options for myself.

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