Is the vault perfect: No.
Is it better than the BFA/Legion version: yes, significantly so.
Just replace it with a currencyyyyyyy that drops from the same content so people can farm it. This isn’t difficult BLIIIIIIIIIIIZZ
Shadooby doo bop bop
I said let people grind things at their own pace with a predictable timeline for geariiiing SHAAAAAAA!!
Or continue adding stupid systems and mechanics to the game that may let one person get BiS out of the box and another person literally never get an item. That’s not stupid and disheartening at all.
I never got tired of deterministic rewards during wod PvP. Ion told us it felt bad to know when your next piece of gear was coming, truly spoken as a person who never in his life got gear from a vendor.
It was the most fantastic feeling building up to the day you could buy your conquest weapon. I geared 17 characters in full conquest in season 3 in wod. Ion is wrong.
Why am I flagged for this lol
Don’t like bellular,but I will say I think keep the vault but also make it too where you can use those dumb coins to actually purchase any peice of gear you want if you have enough. So atleast you will be working towards something by saving up instead of just hoping for an actual upgrade 1 day a week.
I remember their reason for removing vendors was that people would accidentally purchase the wrong piece.
Don’t forget they also said that people couldn’t find the PvP vendors.
I enjoy the vault. It’s a bonus reward for the hard work you put in grinding M+ dungeons, especially when you only get one piece of loot at the end of each dungeon, and even then you don’t always get loot.
I hate the vault. If 10.0 has it which it probably will I won’t buy it.
no the vault is a load of you know what. 1 out of 6 weeks you might get an upgrade. every other week it just manages to offer you something identical to or worst than what your already wearing. the vault is a fail. it the vault was more in line with a vendor and a player put in the required work then the player should be able to dictate what slot item he or she should get and not rng. f that.
Absolutely despise the vault. It is pointless to casuals like myself. It perpetuates the cycle of being under-geared.
Don’t have an raider io or friends or a guild to play with? No mythic + for you. No loot for you from the vault!
Don’t have a high PVP season score or friends or a guild to play with? No rated PvP and no loot for you from the Vault!
Haven’t gotten Curve yet or friends or a guild to play with? No raiding for you and no loot from the Vault for you! Unless you want to do LFR, which is hours-long queues for a boss you might have already killed, a worthless waste of hours to DAYS of time for abysmally low drop rates.
Don’t get me started on how mythic+ gearing and PvP gearing are locked behind arbitrary scores too.
With all this and my hatred of Korthia, the only way I’m gearing my max-geared chaarcters now is through the weeklies by the Vault. I have to wait for TW to get an OK piece of gear from normal Sanctum.
Yes, yes, I’m a casual and this is a MMO and you’re supposed to play with people. But player interaction should be REWARDING and FUN, not something I do for the SOLE purpose of getting an arbitrary high score in rating, just to get an achievement, just so I can unlock actual gearing, just to get loot.
I want the great vault gone. And instead I want a weekly currency that allows you to target specific items.
The ilvl drop from mythic+ dungeons should be increased.
I guess with the vault it’s a case of expectations mismatch. What I thought we were getting was something where we could get some sort of ‘fill up the bar’ mechanism that we could then spend portions of that bar on specific slots at specific ilvls. Basically “Use it or lose it” currency in effect. I also didn’t think they were removing bonus rolls because they have a different purpose.
The current implementation is… garbage IMO. It’s just RNG on RNG on RNG.
That said, I’d prefer to just go to a full on deterministic JP/VP system, it worked in wrath and it was fine. Sure it was slow but it at least gave you a target to work for and you could work towards it. It was on you how fast you got it.
getting a pick of raid loot cast I didn’t get anything from the raid. feels nice.
having to gear from mythics because actually running the dungeon doesn’t drop this high of a level loot. sucks
pvp is janked because your ilvl is tied to rating.
in regards to mythics, it would be nice if the loot was tide to what ever dungeon you target to run.
in regards to the system has a whole I think once you pick a pick of loot it should show up in the vault at that ilvl for the rest of the season.
Because you named some streamer. Not the best of ideas around here all the time. Depending on the mod, you could be suspended for “advertising” or something. Or they may just restore it. No knowing around here.
So much this .
If I didn’t get a drop off of a boss I needed , bonus rolls gave me multiple opportunities to try it again. Not always successful but better odds. The vault might give me a 1 in 3 chance if I only raid but more likely it would give something I don’t need or already have.
this “vanilla” you mention pretty much also includes BC. sure they added stuff in BC, with good effect. and this also covers … mostly wrath. BGs and wintergrasp were very very active along with the other stuff I mention.
as for added stuff. with little bits of minigame it’s like salt. add too much, bad bad bad. at least in the past they were FINISHABLE.
EDIT: and I have to say … vanilla was huge, not sure what you are going on about there. it hit the gaming world like an earthquake and went beyond that culturally as well. youtube videos, that crazy suicide pally, and on and on. world of roguecraft, lots.
The first era of WoW built to the most popular MMO in history, at least how I define the eras. Vanilla and TBC were both original era WoW clearly. I would say WOTLK was too, though some might say it was part of the transition to the next generation. I’d say CATA was a bridge expansion to the next gen WoW which was MoP and WoD. I’d say Legion was the transition from that era to the modern world of systemscraft era.
Back-porting the success of WOTLK onto Vanilla WoW is laughable.
WOTLK (as well as BC) upended a lot of Vanilla WoW’s design. 10-man raiding, heroic dungeon badge farming, numerous raid difficulties, arena PvP, so on and so forth.
Look at Vanilla Classic WoW now. It’s mostly dead. Wildstar died as well. This idea that people want what Vanilla WoW was is a meme that Asmongold perpetuates and that’s about it. You think you do, but you don’t.
Neat. It wasn’t “the peak of the game” in terms of subscribers.