At first I thought the vault was fine, ended up getting some good replacement gear. Than I started to realize, I’m getting gear with the same ilvl, or the ones I’ve gotten before. I can agree, the vault needs to end.
Gear in raids needs to be buffed, RNG has to be buffed, and bring it back to the old days. MoP gearing progression was amazing and every raid week I would at least get a lot of gears from and often it’ll be the same. Now either I get the same gear I got, better than the one I have, or none at all.
The vault shouldn’t be removed but it should be modified indeed just like it was in Shadowlands. It’s a game design evolution.
Random Loot > Multiple Random Loot > Optional Random Loot or Deterministic Loot
Basically this system already existed in BFA for Azerite Gear in 8.1 (Titan Residuum): You can choose to get a random loot for cheap or you get the gear you want but it’s expensive.
When you open the vault you should get the currency for this.
The currency is enough to buy 1 random loot.
To buy the loot you want you must wait 3 or 4 weeks.
It’s your call if you want to gamble.
You don’t even have to look that far. Recently Ion gave an interview about x-faction play and he says in the interview that they the devs, himself included, struggle with change because of their feelings on the game. Which tells us that you’re not willing to evolve to meet the demands of the modern gaming market, and in my head, if you’re management and you’re saying this, you need to go.
First of all, raiders are in a perpetual state of rage about M+ because raiders indefinitely extend their raid lock-outs only a couple months into a patch which means they don’t get Vault loot unless they M+. The fix to this is to just change Mythic Raid lock-outs to work like Heroic Raid lock-outs - let people PUG Mythic bosses and still participate in their main raid nights. This will quell the whining from Mythic Raiders.
One of the consolation prizes from the Great Vault should be the ability to get a coin which, when you save up enough of them, can outright buy a piece of gear you’re eligible for. Let’s say every 3 weeks you can buy any piece of loot that you’re eligible for (if you’ve defeated the raid boss it drops from or have high enough IO, or whatever the PvP equivalent is).
… and that’s it. I think those two changes alone would fix most of the Great Vault drama.
There’s always an argument about less RNG, but “you need X ilvl to play the game”? What?
I look at statements like that as a continuation of failure to accept blame for what has happened.
It’s hard to take statements like that seriously after in the last one he blamed previous employees who haven’t worked there in a decade or more for forcing current devs to think the way they do.
We hear very few good things about the Vault on the forums. And it’s severely affected droprates in this game.
Man, I would have so much more respect for Ion if he just came out and was like “Wow, I really mucked this game up.”
It’s pretty clear to all of us where Ion wants this game to go and who is playing it.
Dude needs to go.
According to the video (and probability), a small percentage of players got really lucky and liked the vault, telling us early in the expansion that it was great. As time progressed luck ran out.
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It’s called “developer hubris”. They have it bad.
I would drop all my bantering if tomorrow Ion came out and said:
“WoW is known for it’s raids M+. We make excellent raids, and M+ is super successful, this will continue to be the primary focuses of the game”
If he came out and said this I’d drop all the casual arguments and just accept ESO/FF14 are home now.
This is the main reason is what a giant mistake to put an elite raider in charge of the game. Obviously an elite raider will try to make the game about elite raiding.
Ironically, his raider scores aren’t even very good.
He has a 20.6 on normal SoD, lol.
Hold up. I’m waiting on Bellular to release a 10:01min video telling me what my opinion should be on this.
Then why would he do that?
Ion’s job is to make you give him your money. It makes sense for him to be honest if that helps you give him your money, and it makes sense for him to be less honest if that helps you give him your money.
All you’ve said is what is already known - yeah, if you alienate people they’ll stop giving you money, so you need to pretend you care about them. This is the status quo.
So you mean like how gearing worked in oldschool WoW? Up until titanforging being added you could figure out exactly what gear you wanted and knew exactly where to get it. When they added war/titanforging true BIS was virtually unobtainable, which is why I didn’t like it. Right now true BIS is nearly unobtainable because A- good luck getting all the best m+ gear out of the vault and B- even if you do good luck having it all roll leach or whatever bonus stat you consider best.
Personally, I think gearing should be simplified. Roll back all these crazy secondary stats, it makes figuring out what gear is good pretty much impossible without simming. I don’t think it is a good idea to make third party software virtually mandatory to play your game right. I also think gear should be put back to almost completely deterministic. Let me “beat the game”…or patch at least. They are afraid people will stop playing if they manage to get BIS. People might unsub until next patch I suppose. I know I won’t, my entire raid team needs BIS. if we can manage that, I’ll work on getting an alt as close to BIS as I can. People do unsub because they get discouraged by all the systems hurting their gameplay, and I don’t think those people come back next patch.
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I love the Great Vault.
Previous Expansions had weekly chests for PvP and Mythic Plus. Things I don’t do much. But in Shadowlands, the Great Vault added Raid loot. Which is awesome.
If my Character - main or Alt - has cleared the raid, they then just need to kill about a third of the bosses for a chance at loot from any boss.
That’s pretty good. My Rogue got the Sylvanas dagger from the Vault - sure, it was just the normal version, but it is great for an Alt.
As someone who just raids pretty casually, and has for years, like AOTCish, and doesn’t do Mythic Plus or PvP - the Great Vault is an improvement. I guess I see M+ folks complaining the most.
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I personally do not like the vault. They should remove the vault and just have a token system instead. You kill bosses you get a token after some time of not getting what you’re after(rng) allow the player to buy the piece for the tokens from a vendor. Worked in the past, still would work just fine today.
Devs need to show a total change of philosophies for 10.0, this discussion about RNG, Chore perception, it’s just the same philosophy that brough the low rng drops on anything like the love rocket, something that could “engage” a player for years but it’s not fun gameplay… RNG isn’t bad as concept but WoW just has a bad implementation of RNG for almost anything.
BTW good thread to read between my 50 runs for today
You do know they nerfed the loot drop rate in the raids because of the great vault giving raid loot, right?