Bellular nailed it

I hear what you’re saying, he does often take the long way around to finding his point. It’s not Kelani levels of circling the drain to deliberately raise the length of the video but it’s a valid criticism.

Again though, it works for me. Bellular’s videos are almost like some kind of WoW news ASMR.

It’s okay he told us in the vid he wants to play seriously again, Blizz just has to step up if they want him back :roll_eyes:

Some of these armchair devs have very tall, lofty armchairs~~


Whose Bellular? Never heard of him.


I don’t watch streamers, but I’m sitting here doing the squirt battles and figured I’d give it a listen. Just a few random thoughts…

I’ll take WQs over BC grind every day of the week and I hate WQs. I don’t have many BC faction because their grinds are so monotonous and require too much time. I can do an emissary or 2 a week and make actual progress. It takes the same amount of real world time (in weeks or months), but I’m not physically grinding the whole time.

Pathfinder IMO shouldn’t come as fast as he suggests. Leave it as is except ease up on the rep requirements.

Yes to the PvP vendors. How am I going to spend marks to get current PvP tmogs? I don’t care about the gear, I want the tmogs.

Overall… I think he just made a video for his listeners to hear him speak. All his “ideas” are things that blizzard goes back and forth on each expac. They’re always trying new things, keeping some, losing others. Is the only way wow has thrived for so long. We would be ENTIRELY fed up with the BC style grind if we’d had to do it this whole time.


Stare at the left side of the screen, its just gameplay

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This thread breaks down each topic really well:


I’ve always felt the same way.


Bellular in a nutshell : Put out 30 videos per day, you’re bound to have a good argument in one of them at some point. And hey, if you don’t, you got to tout yourself as a Game dev to the world.

I stopped listening to youtuber’s opinions on WoW long ago. If I want to know what other people think, I just read GD. At least most people here don’t do Clickbait title and posts filled with confirmation bias to draw in shee… I mean an audience.


Bellular understands player choice and agency. This is why I think he made the video to start the much needed discussion.

The drip feed of content is not working as the playerbase is mainly compose of players that prefer their niches at level cap. The player that does PVP, raiding, mythic +, transmog, pet battles, etc is a super star indeed, but a rare player. Most players in WoW focus on one or two aspects of endgame or maybe three but not everything.


Thanks, Jundai, you make this community safer for everyone.

Yes add pvp vendors!



I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something about him I can’t stand.

I think I’ve seen this video, and did agree with most of his points - so he already got a thumbs up from me on it. But he still rubs me wrong. I can only handle him in short doses.

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It’s really the clickbait titles/thumbnails that drive me insane.


Who? :thinking:


While I agree with a lot of his ideas that would help improve Shadowlands, I don’t agree with the Pathfinder change. However, that is an argument for a different thread.

My main draw from the video was that it has a lot of reasonable ideas that have been tossed around on the forums for a bit by various people. The ideas are mostly sound and could have some great implementation. However, Shadowlands is still in Pre-Alpha which means some of the systems that “need work” probably already have had work done or Blizz has looked towards the community to change. The downside is that there might not be time to change some of these systems and it depends on the testing phases to determine there outcome.

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What are you talking about, anything going right or wrong is 100% opinionated so what’s your point

To watch the video bro. That’s the point.

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You are 100% correct about Shadowlands possibly getting some of those changes. My gripe is that Blizzard doesn’t talk to us any more and we have no idea what’s being done till testing leaving no room for a chance of change based on community feedback.

I often wonder if that lack of communication is intentional so that they don’t have to implement changes we want? Then again I could just be tinfoil hatting that.

I hate knowing what changes are being made after the decision has already been made and Blizzard needs to talk to us and listen to our feedback!


I think he sells wireless mobile plans.