The size and shape is aboUt right and it looks kinda like a stab on it’s way deeper into the heart of the planet anyway. That thing mUst have made an obvious crater and would have been seen by many people while it fell! The light and void? Azeroth’s immUne system?
Remember how we siphoned Xalatath into the sword? Well she might have gotten a peek at what’s down there probably infected it with void stuff. While the other holy priest artifact was forming a holy Naruu cyst on it to counteract the yucky void.
Someone can no-life it and check if that thing is poking all the way down from Silithis.
Feel free to go all conspiracy theory and embrace the old god’s whisperssss for knowledge and spoilerssssss… ~{‘(0’}~
I play in EU so this character is just my uS forums plant. I am not a wow dev… -~{‘0)’}~-
It’s not the sword. It was there before the sword.
Beledar is one of those shards of Light that flew across the universe during the time of creation and seeded the spark of Life across the cosmos. It’s all mentioned in Chronicle vol. 1.
This would mean Hallowfall is beneath Silithas, and considering the Isle of Dorn is far west of there, and Beledar is recorded miles away from the Arathi further west, that’s a tough pill. It also has no traits of the sword beyond they are both big and have a point.
I did the questing in Hallowfall and the conclusion is made is that the first time Beledar shifted was when the sword was stabbed into Azeroth. This means that Beledar was in Hallowfall before the sword was stabbed into Silithus.
People are saying it’s a big sword, it’s the biggest sword in history. Much bigger than Annoying Arthas’s sword, bad dude, bad hombre Arthas was. Did you know I was there in Icecrown and gave the order to terminate Annoying Arthas? That’s much more than any other leader has done in Azeroth’s history. They say there’s never been a greater leader than me. But back to the sword, it’s yuge. It’s bringing the filthy earthen there and they’re eating the sword I tell you eating the sword it’s all over Helmbook that the earthen are doing this bad bad thing. After you elect me they won’t be your problem any more I’ll deport them all. Trust me.
It can’t be a ship, ships don’t crash land and latch into the ceiling of a gigantic cavern perfectly like that. Especially if we use other naaru ships as reference.
It has to be something else. Plus why would a mere ship swap from void to light.
15-20 years. This isn’t the entirety of the Arathi Empire. Just a War Fleet that set out to spread the Holy Fire that is their version of the Light. They encountered a storm and ended up in Hallowfall.
How are we to know that these aren’t the same thing?.. Shards of Life built and shot into the universe by the Naaru. We don’t know how old they are.
Or another possibility is that the Naaru found one of these shards of life and reverse engineered it. The same way mortals on Azeroth are doing with Titan Technology.