"Beledar"? Really? Why?

And since he’s a cat he’s in revendreth. All cats go there in the wow universe

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Wasn’t the name part of the emperor’s vision that sent them there?


This makes the most sense, if he indeed had a vision borne from the Light, since Beledar as a proper name reads as naaru in origin.


Like the op’s names. From a word etymology stand point Petersen is short for Peter’s son. So unless his dad is Peter why would he name himself Petersen. I know word etymology sounds boring but trust me it is not. It is good stuff.


Yup, they called it that because the emperor called it that in their vision. Seems people don’t actually explore the world and pick up the lore bits.



Why do we name prominent locations and features in our own world? Why is it Mount Shasta and not tall pile of rocks and dirt?

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Then you know that type of etymology only tracks in Nordic countries.

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The name in question is nordic in origin.


Right, but if they were born in a Nordic country, then their name would be <father’s name>-sen/son/dottir/daughter. If they immigrated to the US or another country that follows similar patrilineal last name rules, his great grandfather, or even his own mother if he is a b*stard, would have that name.

You’re missing the point.

Op isn’t complaining about the crystal having a name. He’s complaining about the crystal having a person name.

It’s like of Mt Shasta was named Jeff.

Not even “Mt Jeff”. Just Jeff.

Is “beledar” a name typically reserved for sentient beings?

Once again. This is already something we do in human history regardless.


“Beledar” is just the Arathi word for “Emperor’s Vision”

Most likely their fleet was sent to hunt for “the Beledar”, and over the 15 years or so they’ve been stuck in Hallowfall, they just dropped the “the”

Or maybe their language just works that way, like we call our moon The Moon, whilst the Romans called it Luna


It’s a naru spaceship … Hence the name.

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We do like naming our vehicles.


This crystal is responsible for their entire way of living.

Their survival is wholly dependent upon this crystal that they come just shy of worshipping.

It’s not hard to see why they’d give it a proper name and treat it almost like a deity.


Denali is a name.


What the heck is a “person name?” That doesn’t even make any sense.

Also: it’s the OP. They have never once had a logical argument ever around here.

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Beledar really only ever went voidy purple recently. For the better part of 20 years the Arathi only ever saw it in its shinyness. Do we even know what “Beledar” even means in the Arathi language? Also keep in mind that the Arathi seem to have formed from an Alliance of humans and high Elfs. It is likely that they got plenty of words of an elven origin. as such perhaps something could be found in the Kaldorei or Thalassian languages. Lore wise these languages are closely related after all.

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I mean, Everest is a person’s name as well. Some people call it Mt. Everest but I’ve met a lot of people just calling it Everest.

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