I’m on an alt, incase you decide to take this offer. So you can get away from him.
I have a 60, in Classic. If you’d like to, I can help get you situated, and setup on my server. You could make a new account, with a new email, and use a fake name for the account holder. If you’d like to, please reply here, and we’ll set something up.
I wish it was all BS, but unfortunately not only is it true. This person I speak of was one of the main Nost admins that also dealt with blizzard lol. Go figure why that server closed eh?
Blizzard took them to court and filed a cease and desist order.
Sounds like there is a PvP solution for that.
Why are you and your friends allowing this to go on? All of you should contact blizzard immediately and provide them with all of the evidence you have. Tickets allow you to attach screenshots.
Hopefully you and your friends did not provide him with personal information.
if it’s a mental issue thing the best thing to do in my opinion is maybe just try to talk to him it could defuse everything