Being Stalked online

I have to make this story short and to the point as there is a large amount of backstory and for anyone curious I can explain more if you would like. I will keep names out of this and have a TLDR at the bottom. I apologize for grammar or formatting as I am on a mobile device.

Here it goes:

Over the years it has become more apparent that a person I once was friends with has severe mental issues and that this person was not who he said he was. After a few years of strange obvious lies it finally came out that he had been not only lying to myself about larger things but to his family, and even the Nost community with whom he became an admin for while that server was thriving.

This individual took his lies all the way to Blizz HQ and was involved at their meetings for classic and still has ties to the company due to his involvement with lying his way into the private server community.

Last night the group of friends we play with, one being his sibling, realized that he is now stalking us and buying multiple WoW accounts to track our gameplay. He went as far as to find other people on the server, create a story, and camp out our mid level 30 characters with his 60s. After one of us messaged the people he garnered to kill us that individual left and said he wanted no part of this drama. If you were that individual contacted last night please step forward and corroborate this story

After this, His sibling shut off the internet to their house when he stated he would never stop camping us. Due to this the individual went into panic mode and broke down in his bath tub crying because his internet was shut off. He has now vowed to keep camping us and stating he will prevent us from leveling.

Obviously this is ridiculous but the individual actually thinks this is possible and will stop at no lengths to do so. He has all the time in the world because he has a high paying job and works from home for his family. Anyone have any tips on how to counter someone with this type of infatuation? And mainly…How do you all deal with stalkers in this game that seem like they want to target you?

TLDR: Real life friend who was heavily involved in the private server community has turned out to be a mental case and now wants nothing more than to destroy people he knows online for his own personal “buff” of self esteem.


TLDR: I was also stalked in WOW a few years ago, submitted a ticket and had Bliz GM’s help me out with it. When the same person stalked me again several months later on an alt, another ticket got them banned for life.
This is the wrong forum to complain about stalking, you need to submit a ticket. Good luck to you.


Sorry, was not trying to complain! Just was trying to inform others or really ask a questions and this is exactly the answer I needed I thank you so much. I will make a ticket. I appreciate the response.


People stalk other people’s characters in a game … what a strange world we live in.


i would take this to the higher ups(a GM) in blizzard, if they are even 2% of the company they used to be there will be a zero tolerance policy for this kind of thing.


Yeah it is pretty crazy, TBH I am not sure whats wrong with him. I wish him the best but I am hoping blizz can help. The issue is , is that he was an Admin from Nost and has met at blizz HQ. So not only is it disappointing to have someone do this but to also know someone like him is actively trying to help with classic is the really troubling thing to me. But that is a whole other story, I just want to be able to play and level. Obviously I love pvp and ganking but a 60, using other people to spy for him or purchase other accounts and find people to kill and stalk is ridiculous.

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Man, I’m sorry this is happening to you. Crazy this type of thing can happen in a game, where you just want to escape from life and have fun for a few hours you know? I hope everything works out!


Thanks Attention I did take the advice of another poster and created a ticket and so did my other duo that I play with.

The big kicker is we have his blizzard chat transcripts from a mutual friend about him actually stating he will camp us no matter what to ensure we never reach 60 and that he is using players on our faction to spy for him.

The individual has no idea the information he is feeding our friend is going to us. Its very disturbing. Thanks all for the help and advice.

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Kind of curious to see how it turns out, let us know ;o

Thanks Kid, It is odd. I was just in stanglethorn killing raptors and he showed up and killed me. I hearthed back to go quest in Desolace and boom guess who showed up right away… lol. I just feel sorry for him, But I would also like to play the game and relax. Thanks for the support I hope I get some justice.

And yeah , Araharuken. I will try to update this. We submitted our tickets along with the chat pictures of him stating his intentions. Thanks again all. Really love this community!


I’m sorry this is happening to you. How annoying to try to relax and play and have some crazy obsessive person doing this. I hope Blizz can resolve this for you. Hang in there!


What a loser he must be… name and shame him, then othes can start camping him…

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lol, no one can stalk you on refail because everything is CRZ.


Call the police
You may be in physical danger.

Like call them right now.


Don’t do this^ Very irresponsible.

Get a server transfer if need be, better yet… open a ticket, take screenshots of conversations with him.

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No I would not name shame him at all. Just looking more for advice on how to handle this. I appreciate all the answers!

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This is just creepy

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Big yikes. It seems you already have the answer you needed, but I’ll be following this and wish you the best in resolving this. Please keep us updated.

I wish someone would stalk me.

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My question is why would you post that on here?