Before using the Onyx Annulet, my DPS was on par with classes that had a similar item level as mine. I currently have an iLvl of 442, but when I replace the annulet with a normal epic ring at iLvl 437, I’m being outperformed by players who have a lower item level by 20 points. It has become necessary for me to switch to the Brewmaster or Mistweaver specialization, as playing as a Windwalker in higher level dungeons is now embarrassing.
The recent nerf to the annulet has had a severe negative impact on us Windwalkers. I want to clarify that this issue is not simply a case of being paired with exceptionally skilled DPS players who happen to have an item level of 420. I have experience running over 300+ mythic+ dungeons, so I am well aware of how my damage output compares to other classes of different ilvls. The discrepancy in performance cannot be attributed solely to the skill or gear of other players and in fact it’s due to wind walkers being undertuned for pve.
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It’s incredibly frustrating when, halfway through a dungeon, the DPS of a my Windwalker now starts to feel like dead weight/a carry.