never said we were the absolute bottom… we’re bottom 1/4.
That’s okay though? Specs rise and fall, it’s just how it works. Don’t need to be a top half at all times. I can remember times where monk was the strongest melee and times where it was the weakest. Unless you’re pushing the absolute highest content in the top 100 guilds I don’t think that matters. Sometimes people are better than you, be it class based, skill based or both.
And I don’t dispute that! People get worked up comparing relative performance and thinking that means poor absolute performance, which it really doesn’t. Other classes do more than us right now for less work, which is annoying, but we’re about one standard deviation or so down; 5% out of tune or so. It’s not like it was back in, say, nyalotha where no matter how hard you worked we would struggle to stay ahead of even any equivalent geared tank. WWs can go high on or lead meters right now with a little luck, even if it takes more work on our part to get equivalent results. Assuming identical gear level and skill and all else being equal, a windwalker will be behind many other dps, sure, but all else usually isn’t equal.
Stuff like the op being hyperbolic and saying we can’t compete with a 20 ilvl advantage is nuts and a self feeding consequence of people thinking that kind of thing is real instead of a wild exaggeration.
Secretly hoping OP posts logs that have their performance as near perfect but conditions are things like split cleave which can’t be overcome.
So, to be fair, let’s do the same analysis but over the last 7 days of the patch and see how it looks? Babs?
Augment is making things weird but this is raid data from the first week, especially the standard deviations. It’s not split up by item level because that’s arbitrary and a consistent variable amongst all classes.
It’s not directly related to the OPs question or the data I pulled previously, if it’s the extent I’m going to go since I’m doing it anyway. I’ve done plenty of work to show the OPs assertion is wrong, so people are more than welcome to put in the work to show they’re right.
It’s a skill issue brother. Head on over to peaks of serenity with a log to get some help. If you’re getting smooshed by 20 ilvls lower you’ve got an int weapon equipped, are doing something critically wrong like breaking hit combo, really bad uptime, etc.
WW scales terribly. Logs since aug has came out are pointless. I’ll end a dungeon on my spriest with 180k dps. Look at the logs version and it says I did 46k dps. I don’t think they have it accurate even with the whole pet issue skewing things.
Our overall details after the dungeon will read something like…
spriest - 180k
destro - 145k
vdh - 105k
aug - 30k
healer - 20k
wclogs will read
spriest - 46k
destro - 98k
vdh - 70k
aug - 85k
healer - 12k
Logs are simply not accurate. I run with the same group every evening and the log dps numbers are always all over the place. Total group dps will never be the same or even anywhere close.
I’ve pugged a couple ww’s in over the past week when we are missing someone. I purposely seeked out a couple ww’s to just see the damage differences with an aug. tldr: ww is awful. WWs scale terribly vs other classes with aug to where it’s never worth bringing one right now. Same for any class that’s main secondary stat is vers like outlaw after their buffs. Yea they do more damage of course but the ceiling isn’t pushed much higher vs other classes they just scale better.
This is/should be the biggest concern. Our spec is being left behind with the direction the game is going. I’ve already jumped ship to spriest and I’d advise others to just reroll. We start strong every tier and fall off hard needing constant 10% buffs to stay off the bottom line of wclogs. We need a rework and until then, stay away from this class.
Hate to tell you buddy but if you did 46k, you did 46k. The Aug buffs made up for this other ~140k somehow.
Then give the dps to the evoker. Make the totals match. Wclogs is a mess since aug has came out. Why is the total dps on details 480k and on wcl it’s 315k? Where’s the missing dps? The point I’m making is wclogs isn’t reading aug correctly so using it as your bible now isn’t that great of an idea.
The only way to gauge anything right now is how well the key went with respect to the timer.
That leads me to the second point I was making in the previous post. WWs aren’t popping off like other specs are with an aug in the group because of how poorly they scale vs other specs.
This has less to do with Aug Evoker and more with how the DPS is calculated. In fact it probably has nothing to do with Aug Evoker, it was already like this before 10.1.5.
In details you get the DPS split by segments and then those segments are added and a total DPS for the run is calculated but those “segments” are only running while in combat… Logs however will calculate it based on the total damage dealt divided over the total time, so inactive time will actually affect it.
There’s an “Active DPS” cell in the log which if you hover will show you the DPS while active… So that one will be closer to what Details show.
Sounds like you are either doing basically a 2 or you are trash at the spec.
20ilvl is a assive difference, even the absolute worst specs in the game will do significantly more then a person 20ilvl lower.