I have about had it with being kicked for obviously no reason except some losers didn’t like something. What is worst then waiting 30 minutes. No reason why. No unanimous vote. Like some school yard bullies. I have about had it. I have played this game since right after it came out and it has turned into a very sad environment. I know this doesn’t mean anything to Blizzard but if this is not fixed I will cancel my membership…
If you have feedback about the game you should submit it through the ingame feedback box or at the most appropriate non-support forums like raids dungeons etc.
You can move your thread with the pencil in your opening post.
The 30 minutes is for leaving any matchmade PVE content. The reason why it was put in place was because players used to take others hostage during dungeon runs so something had to be done back then and this was the final’ish variation of many attempts to address.
People can be jerks yes but no reason to cancel. How about finding a friend to run dungeons with! To kick they need 4 votes and if you run with a friend they can never get enough votes to kick you or your buddy.
Actually they don’t need 4 votes. I have voted no and the person was stilled kicked.
It’s not a matter of fixing it, it’s working as intended.
All that could be done is to make constructive suggestions on how to improve it that also doesn’t reintroduce the abuses that existed in the past.
Ty I submitted it via the in game feedback box for all the good it will do.
I believe this is only true if it is a party of three that signs up for a LFD.
If they get enough feedback I am sure they will find something to do to try to fix things
One of the best ways for Blizzard to understand how we as players feel about a situation is for us to inform them in the proper venue with well thought out criticism of the situation. Being polite and to the point and if you happen to have any other possible ideas for them handle the situation. Then by all means inform of them of that.
Just to potentially save you from yourself - I can get that you’re upset. But if you message any of your group members with your discontent, especially if you use disparing descriptors? You open yourself to punishment if they choose to report you for abuse. I’m not saying that is what you’ve done, but there have been so many folks who have been hit with just this. Then it’s not just the half an hour debuff, it’ll be silence/suspensions.
As for the rest? As much as people do not like this suggestion - run with people you know. Your guild. IRL friends. People you’ve met through the game. There are also a ton of servers on Discord that exist only to help folks form groups. (Mind you, these are not servers who deal with the buying/selling of runs, this is just an alternate tool to find like-minded folks.)
I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with this nonsense, but while we’ve all become so accustomed to the convenience of the LFG tool? That didn’t use to exist. You only had your realm, your faction. You had to sit and wait for players to manually form and fill your groups. There used to be far greater consequences once it got out that you acted like a tool in a group, and blacklisting kicked in soon after. Sometimes just keeping to people you know like back in the day just works better, despite it’s inconvenience in today’s gogogogo attitudes to rapid fire groups.
Unfortunately, threats do nothing, as you mentioned. If they kowtowed to everyone who made that same threat in order to see a change that that player was demanding? It’d be a hot mess.
Again I am sorry you’ve had such luck with people here of late. Good luck to you, regardless of where your gaming takes you.
Found the best way to run dungeons is to just follow along and keep out of chat. Unless asked a direct question you will almost never see me say anything in party. Not sure this happened but I hope you did not talk yourself into getting kicked.
I’m unsure if this is under the same problem, but I once was kicked for no huge reason, too. I was tanking and told the group I’d brb for 2 min. They killed a TW boss not even some few yards away, turned the corner and voted to remove me.
I brushed it off tho. Weird.