Being bullied by Large group

Talk about putting words into my month.

Yes, let me quote you :

Called them out for what, exactly?

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It is. Nobody asked you to call anybody out, Tovi gave no bad advice to the OP, and you’re basically doing everything short of calling them a bastard to get around the fact that they made good points for the OP.


He editted it out after we called him out :

He called Tovi a harasser. So our posts responding to his actually worked, we got him to rescind is gross accusation.

Somebody did quote it before he edited :


LOL that’s something. I guess we all exist in our own reality

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“Let me quote the person to show that it’s my fault that i have a personal problem with somebody!.. and it’s their fault somehow

Really, their attitude. Ironically enough, my attitude was put into question for how flippant i was being, so i’ve fixed it.

It’s not.

Didn’t say that.

Jesus, putting words into my mouth much? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And i’l cop to my mistake of poor wording. I don’t know why you’re acting like it’s the end of the world or like i’m bad for calling somebody out on their attitude. Unless you’re saying i should keep the shoddy wording, because it doesn’t seem like you are happy with this.

Subjective and still doesn’t make it harassment 


They harssed me so bad. That did have panic attacks or whatever else happen.

While you are correct in that this is indicative of a larger overall problem not entirely related to the game itself, do keep in mind that “get outside, read, watch a movie, etc” does not always help everyone with their mental health. It can for some, but not all! Personally, being outside actually makes my own mental health worse if it’s for extended periods of time haha. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

But ultimately, if the OP is genuine in their post (and I usually don’t knock it, but as Tovi said, GD is full of trolls and hard to gauge sometimes), they do really need to consider seeking out some psychiatric help. It will get them away from the problem for a while, as well as help them out more long term for things unrelated to WoW.

Also good advice. It doesn’t always stop it, but not engaging in it will make a report case for harassment much easier.

Big lmao. The amount of times stuff like this happens in FF14 is actually higher overall than what I’ve ever seen or heard in WoW. That community is rank, especially on Crystal DC. RPers can be - and I say this myself as an RPer - some of the most vile, sociopathic, unhinged people in the world.

The rest of your suggestions are decent, though. But it’s muddier when it comes to race/server/name changes, because if the person is an active RPer or just likes the server overall outside of this harassment incident, it’s more difficult to call that a solution. However, mental health needs to always come before anything else, and OP needs to do what will make them feel safest.

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I’m not questioning the existence of your experience, I was questioning Bari’s previous mention of ‘harassment’.

Sorry that you are going through this OP. I have panic attacks too but they are not from online interaction thankfully.

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Yes, yes you did. Stop lying to save face. Just accept you put your foot in your mouth several times.

Calling someone a harasser is not a mistake or poor word choice. You knew exactly what you were saying. Stop lying to save face.

It’s what you did, and I’m not incorrect in saying it’s what you did. Just state directly that you do not like Tovi and have an issue with them, and that that’s why you said what you said. At least then you’ll actually have been honest about this.


I really have no idea why the community would say that I’m trolling. Actually, stating that have had these group of people harassed me so bad. To point of Major depression. Plus allowed me to commit
 I’m not even going to bother saying it.

I don’t know a thing about you or about what happened, but I do know that I saw you /yelling in Stormwind a while back saying that you had returned to the game and turned over a new leaf, and wanted to be forgiven for things you did a while back. The overwhelming response that I saw was
who are you, again?

It seems like, from a layperson’s perspective, if people are following you around and giving you a hard time, you did something to people on a fairly widespread basis that they haven’t forgotten or forgiven. No idea what that is, and it’d be nice if everyone could just move on, but sometimes you need to ask yourself

Am I the drama?

You seem to be keeping it alive by going around yelling about your circumstances. Would anyone have even noticed that you were back if you didn’t go around announcing it to the entire city?

If your bridges are irrevocably burned, make a new character. Go to a new server. Put the people saying things to you on ignore and if they follow you around open a ticket for ongoing harassment, but do not engage with them or respond in any way or Blizzard will consider it to be an ongoing conversation, not harassment.

What Blizzard can’t do is stop them from appearing on your screen. If you’re affected to that degree, another server or another game is a better option.


No. That’s you failing reading comprehension and making stuff up in your head.

Do you read the “kind of” before you go “AHA!!!”?.. No of coarse you don’t.

But it is, because i was being pretty flippant with them, and i’ve corrected my tone.

Why you (and rais with his “Serious accusation” comment) must overreact to this exactly?.. Just say “Hey that’s not cool, the wording isn’t cool” and i’l be like. “okay, all fixed. Problem sloved, everybody can go home.”.

Unless you want me to revert back to what i’ve said, which you’re saying “Oh this isn’t a problem”.

“No u” is not a valid argument.

If you say so, but that’s not reality.

Are you trying to imply that i’ve lied about liking her or having no problem with her throughout this thread?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Hello? :wave:

What is keeping you on that realm? I’ve jumped realms to avoid people I had a falling out with and have successfully never seen or heard from them again.

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I get it. And I’m gonna guess that English isn’t your first language
or like me speak English and just have terrible grammar (no hate). So maybe something is getting missed in trying to translate. Ignore the haters and look at the the positive advice that was given. Ignore the harassers, report them and try to seek out mental health care to deal with whatever its is that is hurting you. A game break maybe a good thing too. It may help you evaluate what is truly important in your life. This may sound silly but find a hobby. I took up knitting again after a long absence because the constant counting is calming to me.

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 is this person on MG? And if they are, did they used to be on WRA?

Ahaha the classic toon which we have no way of verifying could actually have seen OP comes in with the big whooper against OP’s story which we have no way of verifying.

If anything, this makes for a good Tale’s of General Discussion episode.

Is it like one of those things where every poster continues the story as the thread goes ?

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Saying no doesn’t magically change what you said, sorry.

It seemed pretty damn deliberate to me.

You have a really interesting habit of cutting your response into a bunch of tiny meaningless tidbits to just say “no” repeatedly. It’s kind of sad you’re going this far to backtrack when you can just admit you were wrong entirely and back the hell out. Nobody asked for your damned drama, nobody’s interested in your lies and excuses. Just hit the road. You already made an idiot out of yourself and most of us aren’t interested in you continuing to defend or “explain” it.

I see now why you got an ignore from Tovi. They’re a generally nice person. You don’t seem to be.