I don’t know what happened to cause this but putting them on ignore is the first step. Getting screen shots of the bullying and reporting it is the next step. Third…Therapy to deal with your deeper set issues. I’m not saying this from a mean place but it sounds like things are not good for you personally as well. I Also like the idea of changing realms. Chin up and I hope this helps!!
The topics of bullying, harassment, compassion, and mental illness are all to be taken seriously. The fact that you don’t, or can’t, see that is a bit alarming.
Maybe in real life but not on the internet.
Nice backtrack.
If it’s not a problem with you, then why you’re here exactly? Why you have an opinion if all you’re going to do is just laugh?..
It isn’t any different when you think about it. It’s a real live person on the other side saying real words at you. Just because it isn’t face to face doesn’t make it any less real. Are you so unaware of the huge cyber-bullying problem in the world? This is no different.
I mean if you want to admit you and few others want to harass other people and think mental health is a joke because to you it’s “Words on a screen”, despite real life things has happened to people because of the “Words on a screen” (not just in game, but things that get people fired and etc, or worse from just one false claim) and you much rather encourage that to happen by simply trivializing it… i don’t see why, but you do you … i guess.
Never mind the actual harm that happens from this sort of thing and depression and such, as along you yourself find it entertaining… i guess…
I’m just trying to figure out how they are finding her and gathering in masse around her. I have to group with my friends in order to find them… And even then SOMETIMES they aren’t where it says they are.
This thread just proved that a group will gang up on one person. You know this isn’t helping the op right?
My question to the OP is how did they find out what upsets you? Were you close friends before? Do you have them on ignore?
With a large group, it’s not impossible to have people be spread about, keeping an eye on things and etc.
Not to mention, didn’t we have that discord drama a few years ago with Rhi-ya-know-who?
But the forums doesn’t have like 10 different phases we can end up in.
I think they try to put members of a certain number of guilds in the same shard. I noticed when I was doing the soup all my characters that were in a certain guild would always be in a heavy populated shard. My characters without guilds or in my bank guild would be put in dead shards most of the times.
I would also guess OP’s perception is probably distorted as to how many times they actually see them.
Not everyone can do that. Some people don’t have the capacity to not take words that are written or spoken, to heart. It happens when the mental health of the person is in a bad place. When you are in a bad place outside of game, and use the game as an escape from reality, having trolls constantly harassing you terrible. I can sympathize because of my past rl bullies really screwing up my social skills. In game I can be free and have fun but when someone is toxic to you it hits a dark place in your mind and things go really bad. Therapy is a brilliant tool.
Not believing someone isn’t harassment.
I also think OP is more than likely, just baiting responses. The story is far too out there. A roving band of bullies who “shows up” and causes him physical symptoms ?
It’s getting laid on thick.
…all riding choppers. That would be the cherry on top.
I watched that episode of South Park last night.
Hehe hehe
Screenshots are useless.
Blizzard won’t rely on them because they can be doctored.
Blizzard has logs and that’s what they’ll use.
This thread didn’t prove anything other than if you post something, you get replied to.
No one found this thread that was just sitting there minding its own business to bully it into mental distress to draw a comparison to the OP’s post.
Someone had a take someone else considered “hot” and now they’re back and forthing about it. This has nothing to do with OP’s story.
Press X to doubt and all. For this to be real, you’re expecting people to have added you as a friend (not a bnet friend) so they can track when you login and see what zone you are in and then presumably having to use target macros to find you in a crowd of people…and, of course, you all happening to consistently get the same shard and, of course, your playtimes always synchronizing and, of course, them caring about some “4 year old grudge” to spend THEIR gametime seeking YOU out.
Yeah…big press X to doubt vibes but in any event, it’s also very easy to get around this and not have to resort to moving servers or rerolling. Simply join a group for the world boss or some other group event and you’ll get transported into the server cluster of the host. From there, drop group and the game “usually” puts you back on your own (sometimes it just keeps you on the new one) but likely in a new shard if the original is full or it deems there is a better one or something.
Either way, with DF itself being so big and spread out and dragon riding being so fast, speed wise, you can be all out and about doing your stuff while they furtively try and track you down to go stand all imposing with their names or what nonsense is the “threat”.
People that don’t know how to read a room and realize they are the problem are always the issue. Not you the other guy. Its sad. I come from that “give em tough love” generation and I can tell you that I’m so screwed up I don’t know which end is up sometimes. Instead of putting myself in social situations I withdrew. Super effective teaching tool. I’m a social introvert thanks to this. I want to be social and have fun but I can’t because judgement issues. Tough love is super harmful.
I didn’t say not “believing somebody is harrassment” on it’s own merit of that phrase alone. I’ve simply think the people who are doing the doubting, aren’t coming from a genuine place when they do so.
I will play the devil’s advocate here, since were on okay terms… if one has doubts, would they reason to continue on as if it’s real?..
Regardless if that was true or not… (And no, i never consider post count, because it’s much like sub count on Youtube. Nothing much a-do with their arguments or things they say), it doesn’t really excuse the responses here, practically dismissing any issues here. Particularly the dismissive ones like “Words on the screen”, which in it self is inherently hypocritical coming from … really anybody.
If it’s not real, then don’t ya think maybe OP would give a big indicator that it’s all fake then?
I will say the “4 years ago” part is curious.
I can understand the deattached experience if you’ve never experienced it yourself.
But as somebody who second hand experienced this, it’s not a far out story as one might think.
As somebody who has been on the forums for years, it’s also not far out story since didn’t we had a discord drama situation years ago?.. I mean, i’m assuming you know?..
I mean, there’s more than 1 person here expressing skepticism.
Might want to take that advice you’re dishing out.
What you think is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. You said Tovi was an harasser while Tovi merely expressed healthy skepticism. That’s uncalled for.
It’s pretty dang important. Grifters gonna grift.
I knew a guy who experienced bankruptcy. Doesn’t make it more likely that I believe Nigerian princes.