Being bullied by Large group

Omg that’s horrible.

I would turn your back to them and ignore them. If they start up go about your business.

That will eat them up and screenshot anything they say. Ignore toons and don’t respond.

I would send in a ticket explaining that they are using character names to bypass ignore.

Now you done it.

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You could also switch toons and play another character other than the one they usually harass.

I hope you find the love and help you deserve as a human being. Ridiculing other people because of perceived weakness where compassion is a greater strength is not the cool look you think it is. It’s actually kind of a fragile response, but you do you tough guy.


Hey I’m not the one who get’s bothered by what random idiots in a video game say to me. The world would be a better place if everyone just grew some thicker skin.

If this is serious and you don’t want to buy a realm change, a race/name change could help. Because if they have your character name added they won’t be able to harass you but I’d buy a realm change.

I find it impossible to get into a layer of someone I know on purpose as it is. To hear how often it happens apparently to people harassing others is quite interesting.

I will never understand how people allow words on a screen in a video game to bother them so much. I’d be having a great time laughing at them if this happened to me

Good on you. You don’t know people though. You don’t know their stories and what they’ve been through IRL. It is very possible that the words these people are using are in some way harming the OP. Who would want to be harassed by a group of people? I think even you would grow tired of it after a while.

Just because some people don’t have the strength that others may have does not mean you need to be as callous as you are. This behavior can actually be seen as a weakness. Most bullies are actually cowards.


Then people should not let words from cowards bother them.

That is often easier said then done. If a person goes through a trauma it changes them. Triggers are awful things. If we come to a game to escape our reality, we don’t want the crap behavior of online players ruining our experience. One person can be ignored but an entire group is ridiculous.


For some it might be but for others it’s really not. Unless you know a person and the struggles they have survived, please don’t judge. It’s the most unbecoming quality a person could have.

You’re right and that is an attitude I think everyone should have. BUT, it seriously isn’t as easy as you would think it is for some people.


What advice did your therapist have when you brought this up in your last session?

Then those people should take a break from the internet and get help learning how to not care what random people on the internet say to them.

Oh sir, who did you wrong for you to be this cranky and have such a lack of compassion?


I don’t think the solution should be that extreme to a point where you have to give up something you like doing, like gaming online, in order to not deal with the stress. Even if it’s temporary.

Nor have to pay money for it.

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I mean it sounds like it would solve the issue here. Can’t be bother by what these people say if you never read it

You’re right. But in the case of the OP, even if they never read the messages, they still have a large group of people spamming their whispers and doing what they can to make life miserable for them.


Send in a report if it bothers them that much and close the whisper windows Blizzard has chat logs so they will know what was said and the OP doesn’t have to be bothered by them.

…Okay then, makes me wonder why you’re on this thread then…

So practically give up and just start blocking people whom you deem to be annoying or can’t be bothered to stand with?.. I mean honestly, that sort of attitude leads to antagonistic behaviors.

“I’m having fun here guys! i mean never mind i have an actual position on things i’ve voluntarily put myself in with my opinions on it, but… i’m just having fun guys!..”

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