It likely won’t be about till October, but that’s the goal. Rumor has it there will be a guest appearance by the Headless Horseman, too.
You can join a big MG guild from WrA now if you want as well. This might not be a server community focused sort of solution but it could definitely address loneliness.
Joining Moon Guard is never the right answer.
We’ve had a few knuckleheads on blue side over the years that left for MG.
It is sometimes the right answer, but otherwise I agree.
I don’t always turn on warmode but when I do, I’d rather heal or be killed by fellow WrA players.
sir I was tryin to hit you up the other day
I came back to WRA around 2020 and RP was scarce on A side. I resubbed a few weeks ago and it’s been nonexistent when I check. I still walk around, hoping to see a soul to interact with, but I’ve had no luck.
I came from MG when this server first opened and always preferred it to MG because the community was smaller and closer. The RP seemed more serious and in line with the group story driven situations I wanted to write for.
Hopefully it picks up again. I’ll keep popping in and doing some rounds in hopes of starting something. If I see you then I’ll hop on my rogue and chat you up.
I think it’s important to not undersell of much WrA’s Alliance “problem” was inflicted by Blizzard’s behavior as a company. A lot of Bluesiders left and never came back, with more power to them.
I don’t have any numbers to back it up, so this is just all conjecture, but it does kind of feel like there aren’t enough emergency glasses left to break after Shadowlands. It’s like WoW has plugged a lot of holes in the ship, but there’s so much waterboard now that it’s just sinking more slowly.
Many, many people have characters on both servers. “Server rivalry” is stupid af.
The best solution they can provide right now is allowing both of the shards to interact with each other on demand.
I mean for me I’d still be capable of mustering some amount of hype for either player housing or a major old world revamp. Or even some fancy oft-requested race addition like High Elves (yeah yeah I know), Broken or Vrykul, especially if we could go back to an era of new races getting new questing zones to introduce them. I’m also totally down for any attempt at revamping open world gameplay/leveling (MoP Remix got me more interested in resubbing than TWW does)
It kinda felt like TWW wasn’t even trying to have a killer feature, because afaik it doesn’t have anything new except repackaged scenarios and third dwarf. There are things that could get my attention! but third dwarf is not one.
If anyone wants to describe to me how the new scenarios are the best thing ever I guess I’m listening, but everything I’m hearing just makes it sound like the boilerplate 4 leveling zones and some dungeons
They are like many things Blizz gives us - largely disappointing but necessary to get things you actually want. (i.e. Dirigible parts)
Remix was mindless fun with a friendly environment and free of gold making.
It was a blast and I’d like more pls.
It’s a feature added to give solo players something to do – so of course that means doing 8 of them per week for raiding is mandatory
The Alliance is always a mistake.
Sounds like something a loser server would say.
or is it?
No idea, I haven’t played TOO much on either in ages – OCE for me… but now, I can be in WrA/MG guilds from OCE, so for some alts, I can easily chat with old friends and get phased.
Joining a MG guild from WrA if you’re lonely A-side is not transferring. It just gives you g-chat and easier phasing.
People seem to forget that Tauren women are the best looking, out there.
Why thank you
Not you.
i had to.