I’ve been on Wyrmrest Accord for a long time, though I’ve been playing WoW off and on for years. Feels like every expac, more of the server swapped to Horde and now it is just… it’s lonely. Especially for an RP server.
Chat is usually deathly silent. I don’t think I’ve had a single walk-up RP moment in… well, since the very start of BFA. A part of me says I should just bite the bullet and move to Moonguard but not only do I have too many toons here, but the few friends that I still play with are also here and it would be a pain to convince them all too (plus expensive).
I joined a cross faction RP guild to try and help, and it has a little, but almost everyone in it is also horde and outside of planned and set up events, it’s just… nothing.
Am I making a mistake trying to tough it out here? Is there a hidden pocket of alliance activity somewhere?
Not trying to come across as whining or complaining, just looking for options before I finally make a decision. Thanks.
Ha, I appreciate the reply. Unfortunately my backstory for this character doesn’t really work for the Horde. I do have a pretty awesome Troll, though. Darkspears are really cool people.
I also will freely admit that Orc Women are <3.
That said I just genuinely love the Alliance. Played this faction primarily since the early beta days of Vanilla (god I’m old), and it just feels right.
WRA has certainly grown smaller over the years, no thanks to Blizzards own actions. The only thing I can recommend for alliance is to give Moon Guard a shot, otherwise you’re better off rolling Horde as Kiethoo said. The pair of servers have just slowly migrated into being faction specific.
Every time someone would come ask this question a lot of responses were, “WRA is for Horde, MG is for Alliance”. Over time, it became a large truth because people would just follow that.
The sad things, a lot of those responding over the years with that refrain, weren’t even frequent WRA (A) players or were posting on MG chars. Questionable at best, shady at worst. Either way, it turned out how it turned out.
I totally sympathize with you @Raguna. Have faith and be persistent. There are WrA-Alliance out here. I very recently rolled a Tauren Monk, being that WrA is Horde heavy. I got him to level 20 and just couldn’t keep going. I’ve played Alliance all the way since WotLK and horde just doesn’t feel right to me. Lol.
I genuinely hope that Alliance recovers someday. But in the same vein, my suggestion for Moon Guard wasn’t made in spite. I’ve enjoyed a lot of my alliance interactions over there.
It’s not easy being WrA Alliance, but it’s rewarding. It does require networking though, to combat the loneliness.
Or be like me, and work in a socially forward facing role so that when I get home I don’t WANT to socialize but don’t want to be a complete hermit so WrA Alliance is that sweet spot for me.
A lot of people are still doing content, but I expect that to slow up a bit now that the expac isn’t brand new. My guild (Alliance heavy) is having a lot of real life issues atm, so we’ve only had one RP session since the expac dropped.
I’d really like to see WrA work on getting Alliance RP activity up. Let me think on that for a bit. Maybe we can figure something out.
Yeah, I hope that equilibrium can return some day. I know the easy answer is to jump ship to Moonguard, but that just makes the problem worse. I’d rather be part of the solution.
I wasn’t aware there was a discord. Did I miss it somewhere?
Would love to do so! I’m happy to collab on anything I can as well.
Oddly enough, turning warmode ON for me has led me into finding more alliance players, just because of how it works. I have it off most of the time, but I do turn it on occasionally. I wish the language barrier was gone (I keep Elixir of Tongues on me) so that more cross faction RP-PVP could happen. T_T
You haven’t made a mistake. It comes down to what kind of community you’re looking for.
When my guild transferred here from our old server, we chose WrA over MG because we wanted a smaller neighborhood, more collaborative feel, and we still have that. Yes, walk-up RP is harder to find Allianceside but walk-up RP in SW MG-A isn’t always wonderful. Sometimes you end up prey to mayfly characters who stir up IC trouble and are never heard from again. Sometimes it feels like Groundhog Day and it bores you to tears.
I also do think we need to stop recommending that WrA Alliance players roll on MG-A, as that begets the problem. We have an opportunity to be an MG-A alternative, as there are problematic elements to parts of Moon Guard having a larger, more anonymous population, including serial harassment or recurring bad-faith actors. WrA is too small to get away with such things without more social accountability and because we reject server Lore and hierarchical structure, we’d be a far more chill sandbox for folks to play in.
That said, I get it. I went from a dead server to a mid-populated server and there’s still work to do. Thing is, I’m up for it. This really feels like home.
Also, somewhat of a good time to mention that I’m collaborating with others to bring back the Alliance Guild Faire but in a bigger iteration than it was last time. We’ll be allowing non-RPer guilds attend like our Hordeside counterpart, adding monthly themes, and perhaps adding friendly competitions (such as individual/guild group transmog contests) for guilds to pass a “trophy” around each month. Cross-faction guilds that are based in Horde but recruit Alliance members will be welcome as well, provided they use Alliance toons at the event because it will very likely be hosted in Stormwind. That’s about as much as I can say on the revival project so far, but collaborative projects like that that puts WrA-A roleplay in the forefront and presents it as an alternative to MG-A is more of a niche that people are looking for than we think. It could be worth the push.
That pretty much sums up my overall experience over the past several months here on WrA in game and here on the forums.
This would really help those of us not sure what guilds are available and looking for more characters. My old realm used to have a pretty killer guild faire and it helped immensely.