Being a Dragonmaw orc on the dragon isles

Yeah I hope the Horde Dragonmaw resurface with this expac. I want to see more of Gorfax Angerfang


Aren’t you one of those that doesn’t want the Horde shamed?

Are you really sure you want the Dragonmaws in this expansion?

They were not mad, or evil, no. In the wrong, yes, for sure, but none of the Blues were insane. Malygos certainly did things worth making him a villain, but in the context of the lore at the time, what the Blue Flight was doing wasn’t something that would destroy the world at all, it just happened to have the mortals on the other end of it. Remember, the current lore didn’t exist back then, no World Soul, no Titan Azeroth.

We did less to the Iron Horde, who did far worse things than the Blue Flight. Plus, not all of the Blue Flight agreed with the war, but we were pretty indiscriminate. Much of those quests go beyond just murderhobo stuff, we essentially work to cripple an entire Flight of dragons that had only just recovered.

Malygos’ goal likely would have worked, in the context of the lore it was written in. It just would have sucked for literally all magic-using mortals not on his side.


he would destroyed azeroth in the processe…because the nexus started to be like a black hole and suck the entire reality in it.


I agree with poised on this one. The dalaran mages were likely just jealous and afraid of loosing their magical abilities so they……let’s say they stretched the truth a little :wolf:

nop, the nexus litteraly was a threat to the whole of azeroth.

Now Malygos uses the Arcanomicon to locate and tap into the ley lines, diverting the magical powers that course beneath the earth to his home base in Northrend, the Nexus. Once harnessed, the energies are focused through the Nexus’ ascending rings and blasted into the Twisting Nether. Malygos’s redirection of the ley lines has carried disastrous consequences, however, splintering the world’s crust and opening unstable rifts: tears in the very fabric of the magical dimension.

This was damm seriosly


At the time of WotLK they had not made Azeroth host to a living being composed largely of Arcane energies which exists in symbiosis with the planet. Malygos’ plan with that detail added in, was horrible and insane. Sucking the magic from the world would of eventually have killed the world soul, and with it likely killed the entire world.


I would think the Dragon Isles would be like Disney Land for the Dragonmaw.

The Red Dragons have a beef with orcs that’s far longer than Garoosh, ESPECIALLY THE DRAGONMAW. During the Second War, it was the Dragnmaw clan that enslaved the Red Flight with the Dragon Soul by holding their eggs hostage and then started corrupting them anyway. They also tortured the other of the Dragon Queen’s consorts to the point of insanity that forced him to be put down.

The Dragonmaw are a big contributor to the fact that the Red Flight is going extinct. And that was before Garoosh.

With that detail added, sure. But I think it’s a lot more reasonable to judge actions in the context of the lore at the time, because let’s face it… they’ve taken a hatchet to a lot of the lore in general. When we were smashing Blue Dragon eggs (which were explicitly going to hatch, these weren’t supermarket chicken eggs), or capturing adolescent drakes for interrogation, Azeroth didn’t have a world soul in canon because world souls weren’t even a thing.

The Blue Flight had a misguided, destructive plan to try and correct what was perceived as magical misuse, and we practically destroyed them and their future. The Iron Horde nearly doomed two worlds all for the sake of conquest and we… invited them to join a faction.

Pretty much all the Flights have reason to dislike us, except the Greens.

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Lord above, I freakin’ hope so.

Horde(particularly Orcs and Forsaken) are in dire need of constructive racial fantasy stories and a great way to do this, at least in regards to Orcs, is having the Dragonmaw redeem themselves for their past sins and begin to cultivate a better clan culture(with the knowledge from the Dragons’ homeland) that doesn’t involve enslaving and butchering dragonkind.

Mayhaps in their reformation they utilize more humane methods in their treatment of dragons and it becomes about forming a mutual relationship between rider and dragon.


How exactly would you redeem the Dragonmaw orcs? Who… just fyi mutilated and R worded the queen of dragons, smashed her eggs to keep her in check and used her juvenile children as war animals. Which they killed btw when they started to grow too much.

How do you redeem this without whitewashing and retconning the entire lore behind the Dragonmaw and the Reds?

Dragons are a sentient race, they are intelligent… they aren’t some dumb animal that you can domesticate.


I guess by doing what blizzard has done a lot in the past and pin it on the “bad eggs” in their faction? We did kill a lot of Dragonmaw in Siege of Org so maybe THEY were the bad ones and the ones still in the playable horde are turning a corner.

The short story linked above is exactly that - creating a bond/partnership between rider and dragon (a mop serpent but still a dragon)


Nearly every country on our planet has committed human rights violations. But we still think we can be better.

There’s a 20+ year gap between the Second War and today. Why shouldn’t there be remorseful orcs, old or young, who want to try and make amends?

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In the real world though we have generation gaps where the ones responsible and the victims are long dead or survived by their children.
The wow timeline is extremely short, Saurfang was still alive and in fighting condition when he began his military career until his demise at Orgrimmar. And obviously the victims are still around too.

And what would those amends be? What grand gesture would these orcs make? Its not like the past 20 years the Orcs (and the rest of the Horde) reformed themselves. We are coming from yet another war crime thats still hot to the touch.


Forum is weird about quoting. Hate to be that guy but Germany spent years redeeming themselves. Still are. I’m not sure how long America or the Jewish community held a grudge against them but I don’t think there was much of an issue in the 60s and 70s.

As for the orcs, help the dragons retake or defend their city. Help guard future eggs.

There should be at least one generation of orcs unconnected with the second war.

Germany made reparations, made monuments, taught the real history, outlawed the signs and has some of the most toughest stances on hate crimes.
And yeah they spent years and years redeeming themselves little by little. They didn’t relapse into their previous habit every couple years.
Thats why the Dragonmaw redemption won’t work.

I don’t know, this sounds like incredibly in poor taste. Its like the Forsaken start building NE houses in darkshore and babysitting NE kids.

Then pick a different group of orcs. What about the Mag’har? They certainly have no sins to speak of on the dragons.


Probably because people became more worried about the state that was still holding one quarter of Germany after it’s other three conquerors merged their holdings into West Germany and West Berlin.

Also Germany itself became very involved in stamping out any past or simmilar far-right resurgence even going as far as to make Holocaust denial a prosecutable crime.

Let the Dragonmaw be the Dragonmaw, unleash them on the enemy dragons.

If we have to kill some dragons why not use our experts?