Being a Dragonmaw orc on the dragon isles

Do you think the Dragonmaw orcs (the ones still part of the horde) will get any reference in the next xpac? Or will those small lore details be left by the wayside for the newest big shiny?

I’d like to see a reference to that mop era short story and see a redemption arc play out for the ones who didn’t side with Garrosh.


It feels more than mildly suicidal for the Dragonmaw to even think of traveling to the Dragon Isles… it be like Belmont going to Hyjal after what he did to the Kaldorei.

I think the focus will be on dragon problems involved with coming home and finding the place a mess. And inter-dragon conflict. This will be a place wholly outside of Alliance and Horde hands; we will be guests (polite ones this time without an invading army, unlike the case we had with Pandaria).


Feasel: It’s a little bit of both. We want to delve into a number of different stories with the dragons. There’s a ton of history with their ancestral enemies, like the djaradin. These obsidian weapon-wielding dragon slayers are fire-resistant half giants. They’re the perfect dragon killers. Their whole thing was slaying dragons for sport. We’re going to learn a little bit about them, and we’re going to do a whole dungeon associated with them.

They are in good company

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Is Rockfist a Dragonmaw Orc?

In years past, the warlock Nekros Skullcrusher abused a powerful artifact to enslave Alexstrasza and much of the red dragonflight. Zuluhed and Nekros are dead, but the debt we owe to the reds is far from repaid.

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Or a veteran of the second war who feels guilty by association. But by the looks of things Dragonmaw orcs did use regular orc skin stones during vanilla - wrath. They didn’t get the grayish tones until Cata.


I always thought he was and yes, before Cata, Dragonmaw orcs were mostly green (you had Dragonmaw fel orcs enslaving netherwing in TBC aswell)

Here’s the short story -

I feel with the proto drake and the various dragon hunter factions in DF, there could be room for a redemption arc for the Dragonmaw, similar to how to train your dragon with the Dragonmaw playing the role of hiccup. (the whole expansion is already being compared to HTTYD anyways)

I think the first change would be how they acquire all their scales for their equipment and buildings since they’re not baddies enslaving reds nor are the blacks evil/numerous enough to justify their former brutal mindset.


No. The Horde will be ignored.

This reeks of Odyn shenanigans.

Personally I think the Dragonmaw will be ignored, mainly due to what they did to Alexstrasza in… Day of the Dragon I think it was? After all the stuff that went on at Blizz I can’t see them wanting to even acknowledge that story line. Or if they are included they will only mention the enslavement of dragons and avoid any mention of what happened to the Red Aspect.


I hope so.

I mean, “former monster trying to do better” is kind of the Horde’s original shtick, and if the point of Dragonflight is to get back to WoW’s roots, then that’s a drum worth beating.

And if Alextrasza is going to be some kind of main character, then… I mean, I know people probably don’t trust Blizzard’s ability to explore a woman’s trauma right now, but would totally ignoring it be better?


I mean, pretty much everyone should be nervous going to the Dragon Isles in general, over the course of the expansions we have done some messed up stuff in general to dragons of a variety of Flights, particularly the Black dragons and the Blues. And that’s not even counting the old profession recipes and armour that required dragonscales to make.

And if you’re a Dragonmaw Death Knight that participated in the Nexus War you may as well give up all hope.

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Considering Blizz doesn’t really have a method to actually differentiate player orcs in any meaningful capacity for clan purposes; I don’t expect Dragonmaw to play any particular role.


It wasn’t just Day of the Dragon. It was also an important plot point in WC2. However Day of the Dragon did go into more detail about it.

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They were antagonistic flights though. Malygos attacked first after all in reference to the Nexus War.

What information did WC2 even give anyway? Can’t really remember all that much from the game proper on it.

Basically the Orcs found a way to enslave Red Dragons and use them against the recently formed Alliance of Lordaeron.

Ah admiteddly I never played that game- I started with Vanilla WoW (and was in Elementary school or so at the time). I was shocked by the brutality back then and I really can’t see them bringing it up these days just due to everything at Blizz.

The only thing worse than completely not mentioning it though would just be a blanket “Hey this is a Dragonmaw” “Oh cool, I’m lifebinder you are forgiven” “Great lets never mention this again” kind of interaction. If it’s going to be brought up just to be immediately dismissed better to never bring it up.

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They might. Remember the BfA quest in Drustvar that directly referencing the Death Knight Dragon mount quest?

If your character is not a DK, the red dragon quest-giver says she’s leery of mortals because a Death Knight attacked the red dragonshrine. If you are a DK who did that quest, she’s really mad at you, and only spares you because you helped save the world. At the end, she warns you to be good, and you can either say you will be… or attack her (upon which she thrashes you and flies off).

What was that BfA quest called again?

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Ideally I’d like a small quest hub be a dragonmaw expedition where they’re showcasing their new mindset to dragon riding being a partnership and making amends for their past deeds. This could be by eliminating the isles own dragon hunter factions.

The stuff about npc interaction based on class/achievement/quests completed is something I’d love blizzard to do more of - having a quest marker disappear or being 1 shot by the xpacs lead npc because of something your character is wearing (transmog or even title) or the mount you’re riding adds depth to your hero outside of being “champion”


Certainly, but regardless of their antagonism over the course of the fights we do a lot of messed up stuff.

The Blues were at war, yes, but they weren’t corrupted or evil. During Wrath we smash their eggs, explicitly to reduce their numbers. We kill everything from whelps to drakes, kidnap young dragons, torture an agent of the Blues, and kill the consort of Malygos before using her burning corpse as bait.

And that’s not even getting to the stuff we’ve done to the Black dragons over the years.

So while they were either evil or against us and the other good guys, historically actions taken against them have been way more hardcore and ruthless than what we do against most other antagonist groups. Granted, they also do some messed up stuff to each other than would not have passed the T rating were it against beings that look more human.


Thats not true, they were mad, their aspect was mad and beliefed that its the only solution to bind all magic on the world in a single place and would have killed everything in this process…even the worldsoul.

So…it was evil. That our Chars are murderhobos is nothing new.