Oh I understand that for sure. No disagreement. I just feel that if someone is using those reports to “grey” people out and it happens enough those people should become “grey” themselves. It is clearly abused.
That may be the case over in GD or some of the other forums, but the majority of us regulars here wouldn’t be so petty. If it’s flagged, it’s because it’s against the rules or it’s trolling and just doesn’t belong here. And even outside of CS, you have to remember that each account only gets so many flags they can use in a set period of time.
That can happen. Abuse of the report feature can cause someone to get a forum suspension.
Funny story, sort of.
I once got suspended accidentally by a Mod. Someone decided to alt hop and mass flag a post of mine here on CS. Something super boring that linked a support article. Guess they did not want to hear it.
Mod meant to unflag my post and accidentally sent me on a vacation. It got fixed and the false reporter got some sort of penalty.
I think it is 5 per character. A Battlenet account can have:
- 8 WoW licenses
- with 50 chars retail, 50 chars Classic Era, 50 chars Classic WotLK (150 chars per license)
- 150 x 5 = 750 reports per day for one license
- If someone had max licenses and chars that is 6,000 reports per day.
Not likely anyone would max that out, but posting by character and having the Trust level, flags, and likes set at a per char level is easily abused.
All the other Blizzard forums post by Battletag and the trust levels/flags/likes are at that level.
A good example is in another post just a few minutes ago I was greyed out for “spamming” when the post had nothing to do with spamming. In fact, it was 100% in line with the conversation going on.
I am fairly certain it was just a spam report or someone with some pull reporting it as spam and I kind of just have to eat it.
It is kind of concerning.
The forums have a limit on the number of requests made by a browser session within a specific time frame. I often see a spam message when opening up a lot of threads.
Also, I believe you see some sort of a spam message if you try to post in a thread immediately behind a previous post you have made in the thread. Someone else needs to post before you can post in that thread again.
That certainly wasn’t the case. More or less it felt like a green text didn’t like what I said and a blue one came in and just punched my post down. Mostly because it was proof of what I was saying was the truth.
Its nothing to get worried about. Just another thing that gets ya going… huh… interesting… and move on from.
If you are referring to the the post in this forum, it was removed because of the video you linked, Pacioli. There are enough bad arguments, misunderstands and confusion, I am not going to host any in the CS forum.
I think this one has run its course.