Do you still have access to the TL3 Lounge forum?
What was your warning for? Mine was for bad behavior or inappropriate chat I think I don]t remember;.
No, I lost TL3 from lack of trying hard enough (probably not enough likes, that doesn’t come naturally to me).
Pointing out that the message you got for having a successful report could very well have been from weeks or months ago. The person may have finally been actioned after a long evaluation and you would have only now received the note about it.
I believe I got the same.
Yes, but I don’t believe they tell you.
Yeah they do, they send you a notice if a report you’ve made results in account action. I have gotten several myself regarding reports I’ve made. They don’t tell you who got actioned or anything like that, just that a report you made led to an action
But don’t they say thank you for your report any time you report someone?
Yes. And if it leads to an account action later down the line, you also get one stating as such.
If there is account action related to your report you get a reply that shows up in a similar way to a reply you would get if you opened a ticket. It says they can’t tell you what report it was for but that account action was taken. It doesn’t matter what your report is for (cheating, chat, naming, spam) you get the same letter.
Ive just being given the same thing I havent said or done anything on classic havent played for years didnt talk to noone or use chat other then whispering my friend. What makes it worse it does not tell you what you have done wrong so there is no way to know what you are doing wrong. it seems like someone is putting out false reports which is a form of bullying as it makes you feel attacked.
No one can stop humans from doing what they want to do. If someone wants to put in a false or erroneous report on you, they will. Such is life.
Thing is, though, if you didn’t do anything wrong, you won’t ever see any account action. Because despite the public insistence, a human looks at reports before account action is applied.
So, there’s no reason to feel threatened or bullied. People will be people and sometimes, you might see a message like this. Just like you can’t stop some random human on the street from giving you a rude hand gesture, you can’t stop others from reporting whatever they want to report. Even if you were just keeping to yourself.
And if someone continues to put in false reports regarding your gameplay, they’re going to find themselves receiving account action, not you.
But, just IMVHO, you might want to pause to make sure you weren’t being rude, spammy, condescending, antisocial, etc. Just pause to check. I’m not judging or accusing… just suggesting.
The rest of the information above, in this thread, should be helpful in regards to your situation, too.
You’ll be missed, I’m sure.
Welcome back. I don’t know how long you were gone, but there is indeed a system in place that allows players to conveniently report people for inappropriate language amongst other things.
In one of your other recent posts, you mentioned that you “don’t care” what your realm mates think of your chat. That’s fine, but understand that Blizzard does care what they think.
The only parts of the process that are automated would be a squelch, which happens when enough unique accounts report you for language or spam, and the system that sends you a warning that you’ve been reported by many of your realm mates and to curb your behavior.
If you did manage to earn a silence, then it means that a Blizzard GM viewed the reports and applied a silence as those are not automated. It takes a real person looking at the reports to apply a silence.
Since you have a ticket in, your only option is to wait on that ticket. Trolling the forums will not persuade anyone into believing that your silence wasn’t genuinely earned.
I am curious to if a flip side exists. If my friends and I just report someone for whatever’s sake on the forums or in game can we face backlash for that?
It is something I have seen a lot. Posts/chats that aren’t bad. But someone with enough pull just gets people mass hit. Then people face the punishment… that yeah… may get over turned… but still have to be punished while abusers use it to just “win the argument” type of situation.
Because that is what I see a lot on the forums a lot. In game too really. People post against someone’s opinion then basically the other person gets rifled down with reports and you see the post goes to ignored content or the player in game is silenced.
False flagging or false reports can indeed get a player into trouble. As we’ve seen here recently, often times when people claim to be innocent though, their true colours shine through.
But yes, you can get into trouble for false flagging and for intentionally false reporting.
I mean that is always the case I get it. Never a guilty man in the prison. Although I am sure its safe to say sometimes innocent ones are. But it just feels like that isn’t the case and I understand you might not be the person with all the answers.
But I know people right now just mass reporting anyone with a zombie debuff and spreading it in the classic pre-patch and the people they are reporting just log out and are gone, silenced, etc. While they just seem to keep on keeping on mass reporting people and watching them disappear.
I mean even above someone got a forum post blocked and reported for saying “True and real”. Which is kind of crazy. I do not see how that is offensive for example.
The post above, if I were to wager a guess, wasn’t reported for being offensive, but perhaps trolling.
Yes, perhaps. Anyway thank you. Apricate what you do for us in your free time.
The forums have a level of automation. If a post is reported by enough people, the software can cause it to become “grey” and people have to click a button to read it. The poster will get a notification that their post was auto hidden. It can still be viewed and no penalty is applied to the account by the system.
A Moderator will then review it and decide if it should be un-flagged or if some further action is needed. Any suspensions from the forums (actual penalties) are done by human Mods.