Behavior contract banning

its a terrible system. people are getting banned and silenced for literally no reason.
its better to just not type anything and not talk at all in any group.
bringing more deadness to an already stale game




Being accountable for your actions isn’t the end of the world. I haven’t seen mount drop in 3 months, so I’m the last person to come crying to, so please, kindly go cry somewhere else.


Preety sure your not going to get banned for being

I dunno polite :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I doubt their going to ban you for saying hello

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I’ve yet to see any proof of this.


Blue post from two days ago on this:

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and people are getting tagged for running their mouths because Blizzard is FINALLY enforcing the EULA.



Show us on the doll where the scary libruls hurt you


The contract is not an addition to the ToS. It’s there to remind people of what they have already agreed to in the ToS, presumably in hopes that they’ll actually abide by that agreement or, at the very least, be less confused when they’re actioned for not doing so.


Tell us you got actioned for your ingame chat without saying you got actioned for your ingame chat.


Said every guilty person ever.


wow, that was inappropriate…

Pretty sure that is a very inaccurate statement. Sorry you don’t get to talk to me like you talk to your mother.


I openly multibox in the rules brought forth last year and I’m still around. /shrug

To add: that means no software or hardware weirdoness. Everything is manual.

I mean they are really just picking up where the religious right left us after centuries of censorship.

It’s just that instead of censoring sex and blasphemy the woke are censoring hate and racism.

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Yeah, if only there were dozens of “hey players will use this new thing as a weapon against others they don’t like” posts the devs could have seen to know this was a terrible idea…


Are they mr. 4 posts? Is this really happening mr. 4 posts?


I agree. It’s garbage. At this point I’d rather not talk to anyone that isn’t on btag over helping anyone. This just turned into an anti social game.

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Umm, no. I haven’t been. Been pretty talkative in chat for the few times I go to a capital city or running ZM and haven’t been silenced once so gonna have to call BS on that one.

it’s great, i’m thinking about rolling an alt on moonguard/proudmoore server to go around looking for that infamous inappropriate chatter to report it now that we know they’re doing something about it.

I’m totally OK if the only 2 servers in retail were Area 52 and Stormrage, lol. I don’t believe in this “server communities” nonsense as it goes against the idea of MASSIVELY multiplayer when you fracture your community across dozens and dozens of servers.

We should all be under one megaserver.