Bee Mount Can't Be Used By Horde (and just general discussion about Horde/Alliance mounts)

Hey Blizz, can we please get some clarification on the Bee mount. According to the mount tab, only Alliance can use the mount. I just find it odd that something you advertise at Blizzcon is only for half the player base to use.

Locking mounts behind the factions (other than horde/alliance specific reputations since the mounts represent what the faction is about ETC: Spectral Pterrorwing for Zandalar since they have a heavy connection to dinosaurs and Bwonsamdi or Priestess’s Moonsaber because of the whole conflict with the nightelves) is already a problem in the first place but at least Alliance can make a horde toon and earn both Kuafon and Child of Torcali. Was planning on leveling/race changing a toon to grab the bee mount for my Orc but from the looks of it, I dont get to use the Bee.

It just shows a lack of communication or a lack of understanding on Blizzards part since the bee mount has been talked about for months and there hasnt been a word at all from the development team. People also dont like being forced to play a different faction just to earn faction specific things that they can use on their main toons.

This post is kinda all over the place so TLDR: Either let Horde use Bee mount or just dont have mounts that are locked behind Horde/Alliance (Kuafon and Child of Torcali are included)


Just checked myself. OP’s right. The bee mount is sanctioned for Alliance use only, while both Horde mounts can be used by both factions. This is very disheartening, to be honest.

Editing to include screenshots.

Edit 2: It’s also worth noting the bee mount doesn’t even show up in the Horde’s tab. Child of Torcali does, and I haven’t earned it yet. So the theory involving if it can be seen after learning is out.


From what I’ve read, you can only obtain the bee mount using an Alliance toon but once it’s unlocked, you can ride it on a horde toon.


I think they tossed us a bone because of the"horse…horse…horse… here another horse" controversy. I expect the Horde will gain access to a bee in the not too distant future. Its too cool to lock away from one side.


Yeah its a shame that the Alliance received nothing but horses and gryphons for their factions.
I can use the argument that they were meant to represent what the factions were but they could have been more creative with the mounts. Especially Drustvar, could have been a spectral gryphon there or something along the theme of that zone.


Cue Nelson Muntz laugh.


I expect there will be black bee version usable by both factions.


Bee is for me, not for thee.

On a serious note, it seems the Bee mount is the Alliance counter-part to the Horde’s Kua’fon’s Harness.

Makes sense in theory since the bees are Kul’tiran and the kua’fons are Zandalari. But I do agree that this mount is kinda too awesome to just be faction-locked, and hopefully they’ll come up with a cross-faction tint like with most faction exclusive mount types.

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No, you guys had cool mounts exclusive to you, now it’s our turn, Horde people always told us “lul too bad” and now its bad when Alliance get an exclusive mount?


That’s what the in game store is for friends! Quality mounts

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This was just a poor apology for the never-ending parade of horses. I agree that the horde should have access to the mount too, and I believe that will eventually happen, this mount is too unique to be faction-locked.


Yeah its how it seems to be going these days, what a shame

Relax… It’s just a horse in a bee costume.


Nope, let the Horde take a hit, nothing is stopping them to play an Alliance character if they seriously want one


Solution: The Alliance is waiting for you.


Yeah I wouldnt mind if it was similar to Kuafon (which i also think isnt great for the game but whatever) but we just cant use it which seems a bit unfair.

You do realize that once earned, alliance can ride kua’fon right?


There are various mounts in game exclusive to the horde and various exclusive to the alliance, this is just one more.

Let the alliance have this small bone their being thrown.


I don’t have a single Horde char leveled past 60 so I did not know that. Hmm… If that’s the case, then I can see this getting hotfixed sometime later(To allow the Bee being ridden by Horde, that is).