Because of layering , count me out

Non sheep reporting for duty.

I am not coming back until layering is gone.
So I do hope it’s 2 weeks but if not then I wait.
If it never goes away (skeptical here) then I have options.


Would have almost no effect, most tourists are going to be non subscribers.

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phase 1 will last longer than 2 weeks though bro :O(

I know where you’re coming from. Trust me , i share a lot of the same feelings you do about this :worried: /goodbye friend. I’m sorry you also got disappointed.

I can’t tell you the hype i had for the game when they announced it at Blizzcon. I imagined i’d get to see WoW’s full journey in Classic, the only part of the whole series i’ve missed out on: the original game.
I thought the community in TBC was already the best thing ever, but then i heard in Vanilla, it was even more so! Wow!! How is that even possible, i thought! “What do you mean the world was even more immersive without flying mounts!? Come on! Not a chance. It’s already so good!”

Yet nothing of what we have on our hands now with layering has been proposed at Blizzcon by Blizzard themselves, in fact the opposite.
I had a bad feeling back then very shortly after the announcement was over… “well, in what way could they miss the mark here? would they really do …no way they bring over new stuff” , i thought.
I figured i should just let that thought go and chill until the game releases, surely it can’t get much clearer to follow than to recreate the base game already laid out for them. They carefully prepared to do just that at that point and assured us they will get right. All i had to do is wait, i figured, and trust them this one time again.

And here we are. Yikes. Even #nochanges receives no signal on their end anymore, and neither does it with players. #changes is the new thing, and we are out of fashion. Funny how it goes, a game too old to be recreated in it’s full working state in 2019 even though they have everything it takes, more so than ever before, when they managed to create immense success with much less resources at hand.
“Influencers” across the board (right after meeting up with Blizzard) suddenly forget all about their old values and embrace layering full on, and encourage their followers to do the same, for reasons i feel are out of place to go into here now.
We might have lost on this one, Sic. :cry: Perhaps there is still a slim chance they change their mind, we’ve got 2 months left still. But honestly i’m not counting on it anymore, because wanting the original game is not something they currently support. Just sucks, a lot. But it is what it is. /bow :broken_heart:



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Phase II is the hard deadline. Ion did promise “a few weeks” in the interview. Then just the cohesive world.

Two weeks would be possible (although not certain) based on circumstances IMO.

he said that ‘few weeks’ when guessestimating how long phase 1 could last, unless you are referencing something I am not remembering, which interview?

I also think so Stud but everyone keeps telling me “just the first week or two”. I think it will hit the wall of phase 2 with still too many players to collapse the layers into 1.

Chatter in the pserver community has folks bracing for a big wave of pop drops once classic comes out.

Blizz screws it up with a quasi-vanilla release and then those multiple layers might collapse overnight.

Yah I think the people saying that are taking something he said out of context.

Well we will have to see, some people are throwing out some really silly numbers,lol.

I think it will do just fine and people should just learn to have fun and not worry about much else.

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I know that this issue has been beaten to death somewhat, but it’s a very valid one. Layering and sharding are absolutely detrimental to the game, even the developers themselves likely feel this way, but it’s the only current solution that they’ve come up with to address the ‘ghost-town’ effect that will happen after the population boom.

I feel that there is always a better way, and that’s what being a leader in the industry is about-- coming up with innovative solutions and driving the future & the next generation of games forward.

Layering is an easy and practical way to solve the problem, but at the risk of the core game philosophy and the nature of a persistent world. For there to be meaningful progress, there must be a better way.

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Blizz says there isn’t. so let them have their layering.
I’ve got 5 tokens burning a hole in my bank alt’s pocket waiting to sub for classic.

When it’s gone, really gone I’ll sub up.

Why do people have to announce departures like they are on a cruise ship or something?


Because that’s what folks do on game forums.


Said no one.

Cept the …special ones.

This is great. The more people throw a hissy and refuse to play, the less we’ll have to deal with layering at all.


So many interviews are out there lol, took a bit to find.

Here Ion says both “few weeks” and “promise”:


Yea, well, you know that’s just like, uh, your opinion… man.

I understand the concern, I really do, but look at what the pserver community has had to endure over the years. All those servers that come and go forcing people to abandon their efforts and start over.

Layering is small potatoes compared to corrupt pserver admins.


Ristra…layering just may cause more drama then even the pservers have. Just think of what folks will do with layer hopping.

Remember all the realm hopping with CRZ when it first came in and th drama that caused ?

you can’t realm hop with CRZ, you mean sharding.