Because of layering , count me out

The whole idea behind layering is to provide a “smooth launch”, but when has any game had a smooth launch. They are promising to remove this feature by phase 2… But if the server populations do not die, expect super long que times starting then.

They are basically trying to prevent ques during launch and just moving it to a later time frame.

There are so many negatives about layering in the Classic world, yet everyone is all on board like a bunch of sheep.

The game will be riddled with layer hopping, dead layers, etc.

I have been waiting for a real classic server for what seems like for ever, but if layering is in the game then it is 100% not classic.

Remember when it was just sharding/layering in the starting zones for a little bit. Then it changed to full continent layering removed months after launch. What next? CANT REMOVE BECAUSE POPULATIONS TO HIGH?

Think about it, 10 layers per server with 3 k people per layer. 30k server populations. HOW WILL YOU REMOVE LAYERING WITH THESE NUMBERS…


Anyways, I know I am not alone on this. Good luck peeps, count me out.



Then thats just one less whining baby to deal with in Classic.


See you in August!


It’s not so much for a smooth launch, it’s for post tourist server population. They don’t want players playing on pservers like megaservers, but they want megaservers so that the sharp population decline in the first month doesn’t leave them with hundreds of dead servers.


You’ll still play. And if not good riddance. Layering is 100% needed in 2019.


See you in classic, layer number 12.





But yeah I agree. Layering sucks. Hopefully it’s gone very soon.


The thing is, tourists are problem that Blizzard themselves created when they chose to make classic a shared sub rather than it’s own sub. Because it’s a shared sub, Blizzard ensured tourists will flood classic during launch. They also used weasel wording to leave the time-frame open so they can say “we didn’t promise it would be only for phase 1/ for the first few weeks, we just said ideally that’s how long we would like to keep it” when they inevitably switch gears and keep layering in Phase 2.

They have 2 options:

A: Keep layering, but permanently lock players to their layer once it has been selected to prevent layer hopping abuse, then merge layers once pops stabilize

B: Get rid of layering, but make Classic a separate sub.


Good bye. I guess?

1 Like

Ok, bye :wave: don’t let the door hit you on your way out.


Or…you know the 3rd option which honestly if classic does well they most likely will do.

Create more servers and offer free xfers.

Right now blizzard has 0 idea how well classic will do. No one does. It could tank. I highly doubt that will happen. However the best way to handle it is simple.

  1. Have layering for phase 1.
  2. Allow server populations to balance themselves out naturally
  3. Remove layering phase 2, which is 100%, the plan. Simply due to world bosses being introduced in phase 2 it has to be turned off.
  4. All layets are merged.
  5. If the population is at a healthy lvl leave it.
  6. If population keeps rising create more servers.

Good … bye. #pro-changes


WHY are so many people considering a short period of layering to be a deal breaker?

Surely you could just… you know… wait a few weeks to a month or whatever and play then, with no layering?


I’m going to enjoy the launch. It should be a wild experience with lots of players in each layer. Hopefully the layering may be gone in 2 weeks (very optimistically)…and some fixes for layer hopping are announced.


You’d think, but we shall see, this is Activision we’re talking about, whose MO as of late is to cut costs across the board. That’s the REAL reason why layering is a thing, The Classic team tried to swat away Activision executive meddling with a stick as much as they could, but clearly Activision would not budge. Option A I presented sounds like a nice compromise for phase 1 that mitigates layer hopping abuse.

You are half right. The ultimate goal for layering is to have healthy server populations three months down the road. There are going to be a lot of curious folks that stop by to check out Classic when it is new. Most of these people will not stick around.

Layering will allow them to pack far more people onto server than there really should be, and this will ensure that the servers don’t die down the road.

Layering is absolutely vital to the success of Classic, and it’s time people start waking up to that fact.


See you in Classic.

ps, if the population doesnt drop when they remove layering, they will deal with population how they did in the past, free transfers.


“I want the real classic experience! Like when they had to take down the servers for weeks because the place was so flooded!”
